Cancelling HDPak - Rebate?

Trying to type with small fonts and without my reading glasses....Its just plain no good:)
My Toshiba will not allow my to stretch/zoom anything from the component inputs..I guess I an early adopter..My Tv is almost 4 years old- Tosh 50H81
My current Sony HDTV doesn't allow zoom/stretch of any HD signal, DVI or component. It's the latest model. I think it's pretty common. My Sanyo 4:3 PJ doesn't allow aspect ratiuo changes while it is inputting an HD signal either.

I think it's pretty common. Stupid. But, common. I'd much rather use my TV's stretch than the 811's. But, to be fair, I find the 811 to be pretty good at it. Better than I would expect.
GaryPen said:
My current Sony HDTV doesn't allow zoom/stretch of any HD signal, DVI or component. It's the latest model. I think it's pretty common. My Sanyo 4:3 PJ doesn't allow aspect ratiuo changes while it is inputting an HD signal either.

I think it's pretty common. Stupid. But, common. I'd much rather use my TV's stretch than the 811's. But, to be fair, I find the 811 to be pretty good at it. Better than I would expect.

Same here, my JVC HDTV will not allow aspect changes when using DVI. I like the 811 aspect modes, they work great when needed. :up

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