Carpet cleaner

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Same deal here. One of my cats hated the Litter Maid box. Went back to the old styule and no probs. Then, in my new place, I switched to a corn-based litter, and he didn't like that either. (I didn't know at first.) Switched back to Arm & Hammer, and everything is hunky dory.

However, I have found a great new litter box. Click here. It rocks!

The design is brilliant. But, the build quality is a little cheap. Still, it's great. Get the large size, btw. The regular size is useless.

Also, I dump the clumps in one of these LitterLocker things. But, I use Diaper Genie refills. They last longer, are stronger, and half the price of the LitterLocker refills.
I'd seen those new litter boxes. May have to try one out.
I currently just use one of those big empty litter buckets with a 10gallon trash bag stuck inside. Now those are cheap, plus you can recycle the buckets periodically as they start to absorb some of that cat wast odor.
Why can't people train their cats to go outside? Why do Cat lovers insist on collecting their Cat's urine and crap in a box of cat litter inside? Sorry, but this is just disgusting, IMO. Little puppies need house training but then a good dog pet will go outside. The only thing you need to deal with a dog is a bath once a month minimum for doggy body odor and flea and tick treatments once a month. Still don't know how to deal with hair shedding other than a good weekly vacuumimg. I wish Cat Lovers would learn how to house break their cats as when I visit a Cat lover's home, I can usually smell it before entering. They don't have a clue their home smells of Cat urine. I don't mean to offend cat lovers, but you need to know that what you can't smell, others do. Well, maybe not other cat lovers.
Don Landis said:
Why can't people train their cats to go outside? Why do Cat lovers insist on collecting their Cat's urine and crap in a box of cat litter inside? Sorry, but this is just disgusting, IMO. Little puppies need house training but then a good dog pet will go outside. The only thing you need to deal with a dog is a bath once a month minimum for doggy body odor and flea and tick treatments once a month. Still don't know how to deal with hair shedding other than a good weekly vacuumimg. I wish Cat Lovers would learn how to house break their cats as when I visit a Cat lover's home, I can usually smell it before entering. They don't have a clue their home smells of Cat urine. I don't mean to offend cat lovers, but you need to know that what you can't smell, others do. Well, maybe not other cat lovers.

Although I don't have a cat I will try to answer for them.
Because they do love their cat/s. Unlike dogs, cats do not stay in fenced yards. For their safety it is better to keep them inside.
Thanks GAL!!! You said it.
The best you could hope for is to train your cat to use the "human" toilet. But i don't want to even try that.
Usually the only time cats don't go in the box is when they have a urinary tract infection.
I did have cats before and one of them had a hormonal imbalance and needed hormone pills or it would not use the litterbox. He would also only use a litterbox with shredded newspaper... never any kind of regular litter. Very strange.
Thanks, Sat gal-- Always wanted to know that.

Now tell me, as you pegged a real problem I have at home. How do I keep Cats, the neighborhood strays from coming into my fenced in yard?
jbcheshire said:
The best you could hope for is to train your cat to use the "human" toilet. But i don't want to even try that.

That's actually not that hard to do, you start with a pie tin with cat litter in it, get the cat to use it as a litterbox on the floor as normal, once the cat knows the tin is their litterbox, you then put the tin with litter in it under the the toilette seat, so the tin is above the toilette water, introduce the cat to it, they will smell their odor on it and jump onto the rim and use it as they did when it was on the floor, after a time, just remove the tin and litter, and the cat will continue to use the toilette, just don't forget to leave the lid up!
When I had a cat several years ago she was pickey about the litter box also, the only place she would use it is if it was in a paticular corner in the kitchen. Even tried to get one that looked like a little house and she wouldn't even go in there!
One large container of cayenne pepper - $2.50
Spreading pepper in cat's favorite part of my lawn - $0.00
Watching cat drag its ass across 200 feet of grass trying to rub the pepper off - priceless!
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