CBS east or west coast feed...or both?

No. You are suppose to get only one HD-CBS channel, but some have been able to get both HD-CBS channels. The second HD-CBS channel cost $1.50 a month, but just putting up another dish will not make it appear on your guide. At least you get some kind of choice of what feed you want if you have line of sight to that wing sat. I've heard on D* you don't get a choice. You get the nearest HD-CBS to your time zone.
Methinks Paradox-SJ is talking about HD.
WCBS-DT 56 (CBS-NY) Channel 9453, Trans. 21, on 61.5 Sat
KCBS-DT 60 (CBS-LA) Channel 9454, Trans. 13, on 148 Sat.
Paradox-SJ said:
I already qualify for and have the CBS-W coast feed off of 148. If I put up a Dish for 61.5 will I automaticly get the CBS-E coast feed as well?

as of now, Dish Network does not have a switch that can see the four satellites, 61.5, 110, 119, 148. They do have swtches that can see three.

If you want to get 61.5 east CBS and 148 west CBS then you would have to give up the 110/119 satellite.

DPP 44 is not out yet (switch able to recieve 4 satellite locations
wickedtao said:
as of now, Dish Network does not have a switch that can see the four satellites, 61.5, 110, 119, 148. They do have swtches that can see three.

If you want to get 61.5 east CBS and 148 west CBS then you would have to give up the 110/119 satellite.

DPP 44 is not out yet (switch able to recieve 4 satellite locations

You can get 4 satellite locations on one receiver. You have to use an SW64 switch for 3 of them and combine it with an SW21 for the 4th location and then select the "superdish" option when doing the check switch. It worked for me at least. Though I think some really old receivers won't do this.

I subscribed to the Denver and LA distants. Dish added both CBS HD E&W for me at no extra charge. So I now get Nashville, Denver, LA, & NY CBS feeds. Very Nice. :)
voyagerbob said:
You can get 4 satellite locations on one receiver. You have to use an SW64 switch for 3 of them and combine it with an SW21 for the 4th location and then select the "superdish" option when doing the check switch. It worked for me at least. Though I think some really old receivers won't do this.

I subscribed to the Denver and LA distants. Dish added both CBS HD E&W for me at no extra charge. So I now get Nashville, Denver, LA, & NY CBS feeds. Very Nice. :)

I get WCBS-DT (CBSHD-East) on 61.5, regular channels on 110 and 119 and some Denver Locals on 148 by using the SW64 and SW21 switches and cascading as described above. I feed into my 6000.

Today I was told by a DISH Tech Rep that the SW 44 switch is now available for about $149

811 receiver settings

Finally Installed!

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