Charleston/Huntington, WV DMA on 61.5 and 77?


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
Is this market on both 61.5 and 77 now? I have a Dish 1000.2 receiving 110/119/129 for the 522 and a wing dish pointed at 77 to pick up my locals in HD on my 722. I looked at the uplink activity and it shows that it moved to 61.5 and my receiver shows that it is picking up my locals off of 129 when I hit the info button twice. I pointed a dish to 61.5 and it started picking my locals off of that satellite and is still receiving the locals from there today. I installed a wing dish for someone that has a lot of trees to 77 as well but when I called them today they tell me that they are still receiving their locals.

Has Dish decided to keep locals on both 61.5 and 77 until everybody gets their dishes repointed to 61.5 or do they have other plans?
Looking at posts and the uplink report, it appears locals are eventually moving off 77 to 61.5
Did they move the locals from 77 to 61 back to 77 back to 61 again and now on both? Makes me wonder what the heck they are thinking.

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