Charlie on VOOM (From Retaile Charlie Chat)

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Here is an audio clip of Charlie from Tuesdays retailer Chat answering a question about VOOM.

Let the speculation begin over Charlie want to buy "product" from VOOM means.

This is in MP3 format.


  • CharlieOnVOOM.mp3
    504.6 KB · Views: 653
It's totally content.

The last part of the clip clearly states...
"..they've put some pretty good products out there and to the extent that they do that looks like something we might look at carrying".

Sounds just like the end of last year when he said something to the affect of "we're looking at all the HD available right now and there's nothing compelling enough to add".

Nothing in the clip suggests buying Voom, the company.
I agree, he hopes to put Voom product, such as Monsters HD for example, on Dish.

Now where's the tissy video clip? :)
I just cancelled Voom and picked up Dish. I hope he adds Monsters, and Rush....the only good exclusives Voom had.
I remember a story about Charlie meeting with Dolan around the Time of the MVDDS auctions and right after the story came out stops bidding on some of the Top Areas and DTVNorwich(Dolan)got them,I wonder if something else is going on?

Dish 811


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