is classic reruns still board casting on 28.7 in houston? I know i have got them a few days ago but now its a black screen on their channels.classic reruns is a great channel i just wish it was on full power channel About - Classic Reruns TV
ibrocato. if you stream from a computer or a smarttv that channel is on under the free 58 channels. All you have to do is put in your email and click on the confirm signup when get the email. No credit card classic reruns still board casting on 28.7 in houston? I know i have got them a few days ago but now its a black screen on their channels.classic reruns is a great channel i just wish it was on full power channel About - Classic Reruns TV
your correct but i hate switch from antenna to rokuibrocato. if you stream from a computer or a smarttv that channel is on under the free 58 channels. All you have to do is put in your email and click on the confirm signup when get the email. No credit card needed.
thanks NYDutch was in a hurry and didn't notice I messed up the link.For anyone looking for the free channels Baboonie mentioned, the correct link is: Live TV Streaming | KlowdTV