Consistantly low signals on 129


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Aug 5, 2004
-.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. ---
Ok I'm having an issue and I'm picking everyone's brain here. I recently installed a dish system at where I work at as the tech was unable to do the installation due to insurance issues with the building. I got everything setup, the mast is level on a non pen, all wireing is according to DNS standards, The cable run is about 150 ~ 200 feet. Everything looks like the way it should and would pass even dish's QOS inspections for a commercial installation. The only issue that I'm having is that 129 is having low signal. No obstructions, clear LOS as the dish is with our dish farm, right next door to our directv dish. Also, it's only a 3 reciver installation, all 211's going to the DPP Lnb on the 1000

The dish is set to the according skew settings for the location of 60654.

AZ 223
EL 31
SK 120

I also peaked the installation with a spectrum analyzer, and if I tilt the dish up, down, left and right my signals all go down on all birds from the LNB, so I know I'm peaked at the dish.

My signals on 110 and 119 are good and 129 isnt so hot. Why would I be getting low signals on 129? I'm trying to see if there is anything that I might be missing. These are my readings from the 211's

On 110

TP 14 Signal 72
Tp 15 Signal 71
TP 16 Signal 76
TP 21 Signal 77

On 119

TP 14 Signal 70
Tp 15 Signal 78
TP 16 Signal 80
TP 21 Signal 82

On 129

Tp 19 Signal 41
TP 20 Signal 41
TP 29 Signal 42
TP 30 Signal 41

Any Ideas?
I would try moving the skew just a little bit. You will drop 110 and 119 a little but they will average out then..
K9SAT said:
yea adjusting the skew didnt help. I'm beginging to wonder If I have a warped dish. I'm halfway tempted to swing the dish to EA, is there a diffrent LNB requirement for EA.

You would need to get a 1000.4 if you wanted to use EA.

Sent from my iPad 2 using the SatelliteGuys App
Yeah, you're just barely getting the minimums for 129. On average it should be 10 points higher but it the dish can't be tweaked anymore, then I guess the 40s range will have to do.
Here in eastern Iowa 129 is always the lowest. We have to sacrifice some signal on 119 and 110 in order to get good enough strength with 129.

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