COX Anti Dish DVR AD!


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Dec 3, 2003
Just saw a new AD on TV ran by Cox cable saying why stay with Dish since there is a chance the 3 million Dish customers might loose their DVR funtion... I think its BS that they are trying to make one TV service company drop theirs and not Cox and Direct! If they make one they should make them all!!
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cable companies run them commercials all the time to make it sound like satellite is bad.

like the one where the guy is always aiming his dish or the one where the guy falls off the roof because he "always" has snow on it?

I've lived in MN all my life and TWICE I had to get snow off the dish. Once when it was frezzing rain then snow and once when we had 37" in 27 hours and the dish was buried :D sure are taking it personal. It's not that big a deal. The FCC and local government officials can do nothing about the lawsuit filed by Tivo. That's up to the Justice Department. The reason D* and cable are in the clear is because they didn't do anything to warrant going to court over. Besides...Charlie says he has a plan. You KNOW you can ALWAYS take him for his word.
Iceberg said:
I've lived in MN all my life and TWICE I had to get snow off the dish. Once when it was frezzing rain then snow and once when we had 37" in 27 hours and the dish was buried :D

hah and the likelyhood is with that much snow and freezing rain there was cable lines down so people didn't get the CATV either :) These commericals sayin "satellite is less likely to work or lacks xyz features" are just that, stuff to get folks to try and change from Sat to cable.
Poke said:
Just saw a new AD on TV ran by Cox cable saying why stay with Dish since there is a chance the 3 million Dish customers might loose their DVR funtion... I think its BS that they are trying to make one TV service company drop theirs and not Cox and Direct! If they make one they should make them all!! Anyway Cox cable is running the AD trying to make folks switch to them due to the DVR fear.. Anyway all DVR folks should be writeing to the FCC and their local goverment officals. If they make one drop the DVR service they all should.. Everyone should boycott Tivo thats for sure next thing they will say you cant record with your VCR what a JOKE TIVO IS!!

Considering the fact that Cox has signed an agreement with TIVO have TIVO DVRs on its system, I believe you are way off base here....especially since Directv also has an agreement with TIVO.

And besides - I believe Charlie said to quit feeding the pig....who fired the first shot?
HDTVFanAtic said:
Considering the fact that Cox has signed an agreement with TIVO have TIVO DVRs on its system, I believe you are way off base here....especially since Directv also has an agreement with TIVO.

And besides - I believe Charlie said to quit feeding the pig....who fired the first shot?

many shots have been fired over the years... i saw anti-dish ads from the cable company here locally a long time before I saw the Pig commercials.

And I could be wrong, but I thought Directv was phasing out their TIVO boxes and were building their own branded box...
pdxsam said:
dat a lotta effin snow!

yep. Lived in Downtown Duluth, MN (next to Lake Superior) and when the winds blow East off the lake and pick up all that moisture they gotta dump it somewhere :)
mattb said:
hah and the likelyhood is with that much snow and freezing rain there was cable lines down so people didn't get the CATV either :)

yep. Had no power for a day but no cable for 3+ days (basic cable was included in rent)
Well I was not takeing it personal and I did not mean it to come across that way. Any way I toned it down some I just think that cables companies can be a big joke sometimes.. :)
birddoggy said:
many shots have been fired over the years... i saw anti-dish ads from the cable company here locally a long time before I saw the Pig commercials.

And I could be wrong, but I thought Directv was phasing out their TIVO boxes and were building their own branded box...
Yes Directv is building their own DVR but they still have a licensing agreement with TiVo that has about 3 years to run. DISH is just violating TiVo's patent without a licensing agreement.:)
boba said:
Yes Directv is building their own DVR but they still have a licensing agreement with TiVo that has about 3 years to run. DISH is just violating TiVo's patent without a licensing agreement.:)


Tivo alleges Dish is violating their patent. Dish's original dishplayer was the first DVR available.

The Model 7100 and 7200 receivers were a joint project between Dish and Microsoft. Microsoft agreed to a licensing agreement with TIVO.

Until the final ruling is in Dish is NOT yet violating the patent, as the only way to determine if indeed Dish is violating the Patent is the courts. The courts have yet come to a final determination.

Even if Dish is determined to indeed be violating TIVO's patent, Dish is likely to pony up the licensing fee. Personally I hope Dish wins and not because I'm a Dish subscriber, but because this ruling would allow TIVO to sue every other DVR provider. TIVO did not come up with the idea of Digital Recording, they were the first ones to earn a patent for the IDEA.




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