Custom Channel Lists


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 14, 2010
I have custom channel list set up on the Hopper and Joey, which you sould beable to copy from one to the othe, but that is another issue :mad:

Any way the Joey always stays on the custom channel list I created. The Hopper on the other had I have to pick the custom list evey time I turn it on, it always defaults to the "My Channels" that is at the top of the list.

Anyone else have this issue?
Yes, almost everyone. VERY annoying. Some here claim not to have the issue on their Hoppers, but we're told (by Dish) that this is "normal." Why it is "normal" for the Hopper, but not for the Joey, is up for conjecture.
Mine does this too.... but I just got it installed yesterday so I really haven't spent too much time with it yet learning all the tricks.

Really I would want the joey's and hoppers to sync every setting I make between my hoppers and joey's (guide ascending/descending for example).... right now it seems like they run completely independent of each other unless I have not found the option to sync settings. Even the shared channel lists between hopper/joey would be a nice to have feature.
Bradtothebone said:
Yes, almost everyone. VERY annoying. Some here claim not to have the issue on their Hoppers, but we're told (by Dish) that this is "normal." Why it is "normal" for the Hopper, but not for the Joey, is up for conjecture.

If you look at other models you will see that they all default back to my channels after a sw update that was pushed. The Joey is the anomaly in this situation and it should also be reverting back to my channels.
My 722k and 625 never changed back to My Channels ever in the 2 years I had them. Why it happens on the Hoppers and not the Joeys...the Hopper's are power cycled every night when they do their nightly "download" and the Joey's dont power cycle. If you reset a Joey it will be back to My Channels. And yes very annoying in deed.
eichenberg said:
My 722k and 625 never changed back to My Channels ever in the 2 years I had them. Why it happens on the Hoppers and not the Joeys...the Hopper's are power cycled every night when they do their nightly "download" and the Joey's dont power cycle. If you reset a Joey it will be back to My Channels. And yes very annoying in deed.

A sw update changed this. You can choose all channels on a 722 but it will flip back to my channels automatically. And I can assure you, the Joey is the anomaly.
A sw update changed this. You can choose all channels on a 722 but it will flip back to my channels automatically. And I can assure you, the Joey is the anomaly.

An anomaly of not it is preety studip and you would think the Dish could take 5 minutes out of their time and fix it, has to be possible....

At the same time the could fix how DVR folders work so it isn't such a mess, really prefer how my last DVR worked to the hopper. But I asked them and they don't seem to be interested
mopar_mudder said:
An anomaly of not it is preety studip and you would think the Dish could take 5 minutes out of their time and fix it, has to be possible....

At the same time the could fix how DVR folders work so it isn't such a mess, really prefer how my last DVR worked to the hopper. But I asked them and they don't seem to be interested

I'm sure the guide defaulting to my channels on the Joey isn't priority 1 and they are probably focused on other bigger issues. What are you referring to about the folder functions compared to older models?
I like to keep the recording seperate for member of the family.

On the old DRV I had a folder for my son and one for my daughter, so any recording for them were in their own folder. So the first thing you saw when you hit the DVR botton was a list of all programs with out a specific folder and then a folder for my son and daughter. Now you actually see folders for my son, daughter and another folder for unspecified or something like that. But that is not a huge deal, the big problem is that when you use personalized folders programs are no longer grouped inside the folders. All you have is a big long list of every dvr event by date. On the old DVD each show still had its own folder inside the personal folder.

Also why cant that get rid of the PTAT inside the DVR when I have it disabled?

To me the DVR guide is a bit of a step backwards from what it was in the way folders are handled.
I'm sure the guide defaulting to my channels on the Joey isn't priority 1 and they are probably focused on other bigger issues. What are you referring to about the folder functions compared to older models?
Since no customer actually wants it to behave that way, we are fine if they never get to "fixing" the Joey.

In fact, we would like them to "break" the Hopper , so that it just stays on whatever guide we used last. (Or, give US the option of setting which guide we want to be the default.)
I think the legacy is that Dish had gotten A LOT of calls to CSR's from frantic customers saying they have LOST several of the channels they pay for (I got 4 such calls from my family back then) only to learn that the customer had the guide on one of the custom lists. Believe me. This was a bigger problem than you may think. Since the default to My Channels, Charlie has probably seen his CSR phone costs go down at least a bit more than a bit.

I do propose that Dish should offer all the options we power users want, but bury them in layers of menus so that the common sub will probably never accidentally activate it because they just don't go there, but it would be available to enable or disable for us power users. I, too, prefer the guide to stay at what I last left it, and find the current default a PAIN. However, the default is BLISS for common customers I know who would panic that they can't get their favorite channels that they pay for.

The problem is that Dish often has to go with the common customer since they are the vast majority, but often at the expense of what Power Users would find a superior experience. Maybe they should have a menu option that says Advanced Users with a pop-up that states that "The following is for use ONLY by advanced users of Dish systems (tech weenies :)) and you may inadvertent mess up your system. Leave these options to the Power Users. " :).

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