digital music


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 24, 2004
a few years ago I was in a friend's house and listening to the music. He said he was receiving from satellite. I didn't ask who's the provider. Does dishnetwork provide this? If so, is it a separate program or free with top50?
The music is provided VIA Dish Network by MUZAK (Yes the Elevator Music Company)

Yes you get some of the channels in the top 50 pack, you get additional channels in the 150 package.

If you want real Satellite Radio look at XM Radio or Sirius, both offer much better quality music then is aired on the Dish Network Music Channels.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The music is provided VIA Dish Network by MUZAK (Yes the Elevator Music Company)

Yes you get some of the channels in the top 50 pack, you get additional channels in the 150 package.
There are 32 stereo channels in AT100 CD soon AT120, and an additional 19 mono channels in AT150 soon AT180. Plus there are a handful of channels that only MUZAK sells.

Of course, one can easily tune to Channel 9900 if one wants ONE channel of music. :D And the Holiday Channel seemed to be on all receivers.

I read on the forums a while back where someone was getting these channels for free with a FTA receiver because they were in the clear. Is this still the case?
As mentioned earlier, the 32 stereo music channels (Actually 31 music channels and Latter Day Saints Radio called Brigham Young University Radio) come as part of America's Top 100CD (Called A.T.120CD as of 2/1/04) $34.99/mo or $39.99/mo with locals.

However if you want to save a buck or two and really don't want all the video channels, you can get the 32 music channels a la carte WITH AT50 (called AT60 2/1/04...$24.99/mo or $29.99/mo with locals) for $4.99/mo. I'm fairly certain that the music channels are not available without some sort of video subscription. You will also have to play CSR roulette since this is an obscure a la carte offering.

And as metioned earlier, the 20 additional monaural audio channels are only available with AT150 and up.

See ya

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