Discovery HD DD Sound - No Center


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 5, 2007
I tried searching for this but did not find anything. Is anyone else having problems with DiscoveryHD? It seems it is not outputting the center channel in Dolby Digital for HD programming (Mythbusters, Deadliest Catch). I have no audio issues with any other channels. Anyone else?
Do you get REAR channels? What about bass?

Could just be programming that's in DD2.0. Try switching to Pro Logic manually. I don't mean switching between analog and digital. Leave it in digital, but switch the surround mode. I guess that might not be possible on some receivers.

The only HD channel I have consistent audio problems with is UniversalHD.
It may be in DD 2.0, but usually the receiver will keep the DD logo and switch to pro logic. Perhaps it just is not doing this. I can't switch it over manually b.c the receiver thinks it is DD5.1. Maybe there is just something wrong with the way Discovery is sending their DD2.0 signal. On other channels DD 2.0 is successfully picked up by my receiver which then switches to pro logic.
One of our local channels transmits a 5.1 surround signal even when the program is not 5.1. On their local newscasts they only use the front left and right channels without a center channel. When they first started with the constant 5.1 sound, they fed the newscasters voices to both the front and the surround channels. That really sounded strange. I ran an analog cable to my audio receiver, just so I could switch it back to plain pro-logic.
My receiver is Onkyo as well. Theater dimensional, tv logic, etc don't seem to make it sound any better. I may run a standard RCA cable from the 722 to the onkyo so I can switch to pro logic when this happen as the above poster mentioned.
There are a select few channels that are broadcast that way I notice it on my ota CW channel alot......also some of the other HD channels as well I think it has to do with how they are transmitting.
My 622 running into an Onkyo 605 via HDMI has zero problems with Dolby Digital from Discovery HD. We watch quite a bit, and have never noticed a problem. Running RCA cables isn't the solution. How do you have your Dish receiver hooked up to your AVR? What models of each? There are scores of sound setting combinations; not knowing any of this leads to guessing.

Things we do know:
1. it isn't the channels or everyone would notice
2. it isn't the satellite receiver or AVR (again, there would be a flood of complaints if that were the case)
3. There are typically LOTS of options for audio

Let us know what models you have, maybe we can compare notes on audio option settings...
it IS the channels

I disagree. If these channels were presenting programming without the center channel audio, there would be hundreds of complaints. No center channel=no dialog. But, until we find out more details, it is just guessing. Your anecdotal evidence is balanced out by my anecdotal evidence. I watched Deadliest Catch last night in HD, no audio problems at all. In fact, we watch a ton of both Deadliest Catch and Mythbusters in HD, and have never noticed a center channel audio problem. The only time I've seen that is with our local NBC station, who used to have a LOT of problems with getting the 5.1 audio right for HD programming.

If there's a problem with no audio from the center channel, and only a few people have experienced it, to me it makes sense to rule out configuration first...
I have it hooked up via an optical cable. (722 to Onkyo 505) Here is what is happening: Sometimes Discovery HD transmits DD 2.0 as 5.1 and my receiver does not know what to do with it. Therefore, it only plays sounds out of the left and right speakers. There is dialog, its just not coming out of the center channel (No surround either!). Only the left and right channels have any audio at all. An HD commercial will come on... and all of a sudden its in real 5.1 again. I've only noticed this on discovery. But by running an RCA cable, I can switch to pro logic whenever this happens, since the receiver will not do it automatically as it usually does when a station is transmitting DD 2.0. Mayhap the way they are sending the audio only affects certain receivers in this way, which is why there are not "hundreds of complaints". I only see this as an issue with the way Discovery is transmitting their audio and how that affects my receiver.
I have it hooked up via an optical cable. Here is what is happening: Sometimes Discovery HD transmits DD 2.0 as 5.1 and my receiver does not know what to do with it. Therefore, it only plays sounds out of the left and right speakers. There is dialog, its just not coming out of the center channel (No surround either!).

Yep, same here. 622 hooked up with and optical cable and thats exactly what I experienced. Now I should clarify this is NOT a full time problem. In fact I've only noticed it once on Discovery and once on TBS. That's it. And I watch Discovery constantly. (Hardly watch TBS at all.)

It's not even a big enough problem for me to complain. Just thought I would verify the experiences someone else had too.
Finally clarfication

Yep, same here. 622 hooked up with and optical cable and thats exactly what I experienced. Now I should clarify this is NOT a full time problem. In fact I've only noticed it once on Discovery and once on TBS. That's it. And I watch Discovery constantly. (Hardly watch TBS at all.)

It's not even a big enough problem for me to complain. Just thought I would verify the experiences someone else had too.

So it is just certain shows. The suggestions I submitted was just to find out if the center was working any time. The modes I suggested would have simulated the center channel. So now that you know it is just a few shows you now know it isn't either the Onkyo or the 622. I would bet that the shows you are having this problems with a not new ones. So they were only recorded in stereo to start with. The thing is the master control Operator running these shows in most cases is doesn't know that he needs to switch the audio in fact may not even be able to do it. So you will have to do it yourself to pro logic or live with stereo only mix.
I have it hooked up via an optical cable. (722 to Onkyo 505) Here is what is happening: Sometimes Discovery HD transmits DD 2.0 as 5.1 and my receiver does not know what to do with it. Therefore, it only plays sounds out of the left and right speakers. There is dialog, its just not coming out of the center channel (No surround either!).

I have had this same problem for quite a while with other channels too. Mostly my local ABC and NBC (and now SciFi HD). When tuned to a HD channel, and a HD show is on, the sound would be in 5.1 and sound just fine. As soon as a commercial would come on, or a non-HD (SD) program, the center would disappear with a ghostly hollow quality. However, I've never seen this problem with CBS HD.

But, the other day I stumbled onto a solution. I have a Yamaha RX-V630 receiver hooked to my 722 with optical cable. The Yamaha is suppose to switch automatically between 5.1, Dolby 2.0, etc when getting digital sound data. When switching between true HD and SD channels, this sound switching would always work correctly (except for the annoying volume difference. Another story and thread). However, when SD or commercials (which are largely still in SD) would come onto a HD channel, the sound data actually changes from 5.1 to Dolby 2.0. My receiver wouldn't switch and try to decode the Dolby 2.0 as 5.1; and created the funky sound. But as I noted above, not with CBS HD. That channel would always switch correctly.

This is why I kept both the HD and SD versions of channels in my favorites lists, so that when I watched HD shows I could hear proper 5.1, and when watching SD shows I could hear proper Dolby 2.0 sound.

I always kept my receiver in one of it's DSP processed "Sound Fields", I think it was called "SciFi Enhanced". This was to (as the manual said) "enlarge" the sound field (it didn't seem to sound any different, but I kept there just in case). But somehow this DSP field mode was keeping the receiver from switching from 5.1 to Dolby 2.0 properly; but only when tuned to some HD channels! Weird?!?!

I found that if I turned off ALL of the DSP Sound Fields, the receiver would start properly switching between 5.1 and Dolby 2.0 when tuned to any HD channel. And to my pleasant surprise, the sound volume DIDN'T change! The SD/2.0 just wasn't as rich as 5.1 sound.

Here's what I think is going on (though I don't have any technical evidence to prove this). When tuned to a SD channel, the sound is tagged as being Dolby 2.0 sound, and the sound switching works correctly. However, some HD channels seem to blindly tag ALL sound as being 5.1, regardless of it's HD or SD origin. This "tricks" audio receivers into try to doce Dolby 2.0 as 5.1 sound data. CBS seems to be the exception, by either tagging Dolby 2.0 properly, or "converting" Dolby 2.0 to 5.1 before transmission. The Yamaha receiver seems to be just a little bit smarter (when not in a DSP Sound Field mode) in that even if it's being told that sound is 5.1, it looks at the actual data format and figures out it's really Dolby 2.0 sound instead.

Now SciFi HD is a pleasure to watch, and I've taken out all of the SD versions of HD channels out of my favorites lists.

You might see if similar configuration changes of your audio receiver would solve this issue for you also.

?? Which Way To Tweak ??

Locals via E* == no OTA?

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