Dish 411

Anyone know if this "eventually" will be in 2005 or will it wait until 2006?

Of course I know about Dish release schedules. I first saw and used a prototype 921 at CES something like 2 years before Dish put it into production. They told me that they were not going to release it until nearly ALL of the bugs were out of it. That they had learned their lesson from the buggy release of the Dishplayer. Ha!
They expect it to be out around October.

There is a reall rush to get this out the door.

It really should not be too buggy as it is running off existing software (just a new decoder chip) :)
October, eh?

Perfect timing to freeze me right now. I can drop $200 to go with an 811 and then wish I had a 411 in 5 months.

Or I can drop $100 for the privilege of leasing an 811 and then $5 a month in hopes that I could have it replaced by a 411. But who knows when Dish would offer it as a substitute for the 811 for an existing customer. That could take months.

Or I can go without any HD while waiting for a 411, which again might be 5 months or might be 10-12 for an existing customer.

Dish is leaving no good option. A good option would be a very low cost to start a lease on an 811. Perhaps I should try the old "CSR Roulette" game, of calling and calling and calling until I get the answer I want.
you actually have two options from dish:

1. 100 bucks for the 811, then 5 dollars per month lease
2. 50 bucks trade in for a 6000, which they will credit you 25 dollars when they receive the 6000, then 5 dollars per month lease

a better deal would be to buy an 811 on ebay between 160 to 200 dollars, and if you own a 6000 sell it for 150 on ebay