Dish 501


New Member
Original poster
Dec 31, 2003
Dish 501
Originally posted by Bradch on 02-13-2004 at 08:56 PM in post #1:

I have a Dish 501 PVR for sale. No balance on card. Remote has a broken clip on the battery door and a little worn but it and the reciever work great. I just switched to D* after 7.5 great years with Dish.*(hope I'm not sorry) I got 2 35 hour Tivo's and want to recoup the cost.

Asking $225 and I will pay shipping.

Money Order or Cashiers Check

email me at




I have a Dish 501 PVR for sale. No balance on card. Remote has a broken clip on the battery door and a little worn but it and the reciever work great. I just switched to D* after 7.5 great years with Dish.*(hope I'm not sorry) I got 2 35 hour Tivo's and want to recoup the cost.

Asking $225 and I will pay shipping.

Money Order or Cashiers Check

email me at


wanted 301

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