Dish Billing, How do I love Thee?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
Philly 'Burbs, PA
Nothing is more aggravating than trying to figure out how Dish does their billing. I did the 3 months Starz/HBO freebie, so they did a whole bunch of changes/credits, which seemed much more cumbersome than it had to be.

Because of the dates that they ran these credits, they ended up charging my auto-pay at the price that was currently in their system (which was lower due to the credits). Now that everything has sifted out, the next bill is going to be almost $30.00 more than normal.

Yes it averages out over the 2 months, but when you do monthly budgets it's just another one of those things that eats away at you from Dish and E*.

I do a lot of IT work and programming of various computer systems, and a lot of times I see Dish's problems are with a billing system that requires them to take WAYY too many steps.

Turbo HD w/ Boston local channels

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