Dish Channel Lineup Change


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 29, 2004
Does anyone know why the info channels are not on the DVR522?? (Channel 100 and 9500)

I have them on my 301 receiver, but not the 522.

Any idea when Dish will ad them??

Thanks :confused:
OpenTV (The Interactive software used to make Channel 100 and 9500 possible) is not available yet for the 522. It is due within the next few months though. :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
OpenTV (The Interactive software used to make Channel 100 and 9500 possible) is not available yet for the 522. It is due within the next few months though. :)

Any idea when channel 100 will be available for the 811 receiver?


Confused with HD special event.

No March Madness for E*?

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