DISH Executive Escalations Email Change?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 20, 2003
Does anyone know if the email address for Dish's executive escalations team has changed since what's her name left the company a couple of weeks ago? It use to be, but I sent them an email on 1/19 and haven't heard back from them yet. Usually they respond within 24-48 hours. I went back to Dish's website to make sure it was the correct address but noticed it wasn't there anymore and assumed it was because that one VP left... Anyone have any info?
lol, I totally agree, although its probably not him but a team of 10 customer service reps that have been deemed skilled enough to handle irated customer complaints. I too workin in a customer service environment much similair to Dish's that has the exact same setup. They probably took one look at my email and said, "yeap, we're screwing this guy, I'm not getting messed up in this one".
I also sent an email to this address and haven't heard a response yet.

Dish is becoming the cable PIG.
I have important issues that I email them about as a retailer and they do not always respond back to me even while other times they would respond back within a day. I think they only respond back when they want to. That is a given.

Superbowl at stake...

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