Dish Favorite Feature - Wish List


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 28, 2003
There's been alot of negativity around here lately, so I wanted to open up a thread and start a new topic.

What's your favorite Dish Network feature and what do you wish that Dish would come out with next?

I personally think that the DVR's are wonderful. Everytime I talk with someone about Dish, I mention them.

As for the wish list, I would like to see OTA signal boosters or antenna packages.. some way to help with OTA antennas other than directions to Radio Shack.
Favorite feature by far is the DVR...TV at it's finest....regardless of kids' bedtimes or bathroom breaks etc.

Wish list for me would be a one dish solution...wish CBS-HD was accessible without a wing dish.
I wish the DVRs would have name based recording like Tivo does. Oh, and that the 522 and 322 was available to existing customers without going the ebay route.
Wish list? Geez, there's so many.

Name-based recording
Season pass
Upgradable hard drives
Show info in guide w/o hitting info (a la 721, 921, 322, 522)
Interactive banner onscreen (as used in CNN, ESPN)
Schedule recordings online
Different themes
Choose different sized font in guide (322, 522)
Folders in DVR recorded programs
Able to rename files
Keep X episodes of X show
Able to clip recording (able to save a 5 min piece off an hour long show you recorded)
Better conflict screen for 501 series DVRs
Faster guide on 501 series DVRs
Schedule events for any days of the week w/ 1 timer (ie The Office, record M, W, T)

I can go on forever. The fact is some of these features should be implemented and some shouldn't or never will be. Once we get too comfortable with something we're all going to wish it had more advanced features. That's why I love things like the MyIE2 browser its constantly updated, that you're always learning how to do newer and better things.
I agree, there's alot that can be done with DVR's in the future. I think that if more people knew about it, they would implement more features on it. I sat down with a customer who didn't understand it one afternoon and I showed him the features bit by bit.

A week later he asked me about a 522. Wondering if it could record two programs at once.
jsanders...believe it or not I am quite educated....if I could use an OTA I would....not all of us live near a major metropolis....

I prefer the outdoors, solitude, and a million dollar view of the Rocky Mts and far side of Pikes Peak to being able to use an antenna.

I can receive many network feeds, all of them from repeaters, not in HD.

Portland Locals in Klamath Falls

NHL Center ICE HD Game on HDNET Movies Channel?!?

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