Dish LNB's and Hopper 3


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Sep 30, 2006
Great High Plains
Do the standard LNB's for single orbital arc work w/the H3 or will I need new LNB's? I was told that single slot LNB's will no longer work w/the H3. Have I been correctly or are they misinformed?
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Because the switch and the lnbs take more power than the receiver can deliver.
Thanks for the info. This kind of layout so reminds me of early days of sat. Having to have power inserters added for just that reason. The advancement has also taken a step back as well as steps forward.
Well I'm ready for the installer to show up I went out last night and peaked up both .9 meter dishes on the 2 sats. There had been a little shift in them over time so signal was a little weaker. Those EA MPEG 4 signals seem to be tighter in the beams from them. And yes I was using the conus signals to peak on. Thanks all, I could've done the install myself but I see why that want a tech to go out. Most people would screw it up since it's more than just switching out the DVR.

Sound problem

Hopper 3 in rv

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