Dish N' It Up price decrease? Anyone else? (apply to 922?)

dish it up is based on your sub time 6month 12 month 24 month and how well you pay on time.

If you have had dish for 6 months or have done an upgrade/move in past 6 months you fall under plan C

Plan B for 12months or more and Plan A for 24 months, each one has its own pricing customer A Can get a 722 upgrade / extra recever for $125 as long as it wont bring the acount up to 6 lessed tuners.. 612 recevers count as one so you culd have a max of 6 612 on an acount if dishing it up every 6 months but wuld fall under the plan C.

Also its best to make freinds with retailers as in our office if some one is alwas referuring customers club dish and what not we alwas keep them on our now list.... Any problem they have or ther referals we go now!! Same day service call and free dishing it up for the main acount as it shuld be with a customer service job ...

Good to know rocket69; make friends and see what we can get