Dish won't ship 622 unless installer ...

hall said:
How exactly is Dish to know that any of you guys are so-called "experts" or capable of doing this ?? Take your word for it ??

In 1998 Dish shipped me my original D300, which I self-installed.

Circa 2001, Dish shipped me a D500 upgrade and gave me a $35 credit for a self-install.

In 2005, I self-installed a D300 to pick up 61.5

And along the way I self-installed the following receivers: 4000, 4700, 7100, 510, and 811, all shipped to me by Dish.

So my question is, why does Dish think I need an installer now?
I'm starting to think no one knows not even dish! lol i would absolutely love to be able to self install and to get $35 for doing it, that's awesome!:)
Because they want to install the appropriate sat dish for Hd channels whether they be at 61.5 (second dish) or the "wonderful" dish 1000 ( all on one dish ). That is why they want to do the install all at one time. They don't want to get a customer call a few days later saying :" I don't get any of the Voom channels or the STarz hd etc!"
:confused: OK! i was inquiring on getting a 211 then later a 622 and i was told that a installer would have to install both receivers. i even asked about wavers and dropping warranty's and every other way i could think of. they say no way must be installed by a tech and cannot be moved once installed.:confused: :( :mad:
Foxbat said:
ChuckM, if you have FIOS available, you might want to go with that. It's not available where I'm at (AT&T land) but my in-Laws have hooked up FIOS for phone and Internet and they're very happy with it (just waiting for TV services to replace their cable). Check out the FIOS forum for more details.

FiOS is a definite at some point, but no one knows (at least, no one will say) when TV will be available in this area (north suburbs of Pittsburgh). It may be available within 20 minutes, or within 20 months ... who knows!?!
Last Thursday, I sent the following email to Dish Network ...

Question: I inquired today about leasing a 622, and was told I would have to stay home for a tech to install the receiver. We have been Dish customers for many years now. I purchased a 6000 and dishes from Sears years ago, installed the 500 and 300 dishes myself (excellent signal), installed the receiver myself. Called Dish to activate. Easy stuff. But yet, I am not allowed to connect the 622 myself? I am disappointed with this issue, as I do not feel it is necessary for me to have to lose a day of work, and lock our dogs in a bedroom, for a tech to waste his time when all need be done is disconnect the 6000, connect the 622, and call Dish to deactivate one, and activate the other. I would appreciate tolerance on this issue. I would even waive any install warranty associated with the lease of the 622.

On Friday, I received this well thought out, detailed reply to my email from the powers-that-be at Dish Network .....

Dear Mr. Muziani,

Thank you for your email . You need another dish to be installed in order to get all the high definition channels available.



DISH Network e-Care TID:pB

Of course, their assumption is that I would be purchasing a metal package to go with that 622 meal. All I want to do at this point is upgrade my hardware, not my programming. I made that clear in my phone conversation, but not in my email, I suppose .. hence, their short and sweet reply.

I installed our current dishes because I did not trust the installer to be as careful as was I. I installed them on a 20x16 cedar patio porch roof, where the roof planks are no more than 5/8" thick. The roof planks are supported with 4x4 cedar beams. I measured carefully to install each dish mount squarely above a 4x4 beam, to eliminate possibility of a plank breach. I was successful, because I took my time, and measured twice, etc.etc.

Would "Ned the Technician" be as meticulous, without the incentive of a few Ben Franklins?? I think, not.
MikeD-C05 said:
Because they want to install the appropriate sat dish for Hd channels whether they be at 61.5 (second dish) or the "wonderful" dish 1000 ( all on one dish ). That is why they want to do the install all at one time. They don't want to get a customer call a few days later saying :" I don't get any of the Voom channels or the STarz hd etc!"

Yes, that is going to make sense for some people.

But for me, I already had a 942 and a VOOM subscription.

It's a "One size fits all" solution.
Okay my 622 is now installed.

Install was scheduled for 8AM-NOON. So I made sure to be up and ready to answer the door by 8AM, which is not normal for me on a Saturday.

Installer shows up at 12:50.

I explain what I want to do and he agrees to just upgrade my existing dishes with a new DishPro Plus Twin and DP Dual.

He starts filling out paperwork as I install the 622. I finished several minutes before he did. So I went out and started tearing down my old LNBs and switches.

He then had to call in to his regional center and was put on hold. Then he had to call Dish to activate. When he finished with the phone calls, I was wrapping up the new LNB installation.

Then we ran through the checkswitch test and saw that all of my channels were activated.

He said he was supposed to take all of my existing LNBs and switches, all of which I had purchased from Dish dealers and off of eBay. Dish really had no right to them. It would be like you leasing a car from me and me demanding the right to take your old car. But I told him that if he wanted them, he could have them, as I had no use for them. All of it was legacy gear, with nearly all of it being 8 years old. Not even any good switches, just a couple of old SW21s.

He looked it over and declared that he didn't want it. He had a pile of legacy stuff already and there was no reason to add to it.

Then he left. I forgot to tip him, which I always do for people who come to the house. However all he did was fill out a couple of pieces of paper and make two phone calls. I did all of the rest.

After the 622 completed its setup, it fired up with L3.60.

Alas, I'm going to have to go out and move my D300/61.5 dish, as I'm losing signal strength due to a growth spurt from my neighbor's tree. I've got three possible locations for it. But I may wait for the heat wave to break.
ChuckM said:
A highly trained, expert-in-the-field, no fumble-fingers, truck-drivin', chaw-chewin', monkey-specialist technician *MUST* install this fancy, "special sensitive high definition receiver". Farck! :eek: :mad: :eek:

What's a :cool: consumer to do?

Generalizations... oh boy how dangerous they can be.

If humor was your goal then kudos, I did laugh. If humor and a "general stab" and installers was your goal. Shame on you. I'm alot of things but I am certainly not a monkey :mad: . I am however a former installer now charged with managing a team of installers. The installers working for me are many things but they are certainly not monkeys.

As previously noted for your installation and future programming you need a new dish as well as your 622x.

As a company I must assume they want to have a technician at your house as few times as possible. Yes, you did note in your e-mail to E* that you didn't want programming "yet" you just wanted the receiver. It makes fiscal sense to complete the upgrade in o n e truckroll. Not two.

The reason they wanted a technician to install (you did way more than needed by the way but, gratz on the work you did during your "install") your equipment should be a no brainer.

If they allowed the 12m customers they currently have to upgrade their own equipment can you not fathom the inevitable quagmire? Who is responsible for the trouble calls generated? E* is. Responsibility over equipment installed by their own trained people comes in cheaper.

They cannot then allow "certain" customers to do their own upgrades. If Bob Q. Customer is allowed to, why can't everyone else?

I suppose one option would be to eliminate the technicians they currently have, go back to issuing D.o I.t Y.ourself kits and only guaranteeing the equipment. I remember those days. If you had a signal issue that couldn't be resolved with equipment replacement you were SOL.

You're a knowlegable customer that knows exactly what he/she wants and that's great. You know more about satellite installation then most and that's even greater. I wish there were more like you but, that's just it... there isn't.

What's a service industry to do? Hmm... generalize? :eek:
ChuckM said:
Now, for the Dishkicker:

(read the following paragraph in your best-imagined Lewis Black imitation)

A highly trained, expert-in-the-field, no fumble-fingers, truck-drivin', chaw-chewin', monkey-specialist technician *MUST* install this fancy, "special sensitive high definition receiver". Farck! :eek: :mad: :eek:

I don't know what kind of business you're in, but I have no doubt that you have customers/clients who INCORRECTLY think you're a freaking idiot.
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:mad: so they are allowed to steal your own equipment? so what if he likes my wide screen TV does he get to take it too? sh*t this hole dam thing is going too far! I'm so f-n pissed off right now! stealling is what they are doing!!! dam!!!!f-ers!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:
Just as a side-note, the reason why they make installers install HD is because people who want to do it themselves typically don't want to install a new dish even if they aren't upgrading now. The point is - eventually they're going to get HD programming and Dish really doesn't want to hear the customers squawk for paying for another Dish.

By the way, I'm in Monongahela, where are you at?
The reason why they no longer allow customers to install their own equipment is for 3 reasons...

#1 The main reason why they are selling you discounted equipment at all is to enhance your DISH Network experences and for the hopes you will be satisfied and keep DISH Network for a very long time.

The fact of the matter is that over 50% of the equipment shipped to customers will sit in their closet and will never get activated. Perfect example is several years ago DISH had a promotion if you referred 5 friends to DISH Network they would ship you a FREE DVR 508. So my best friends parents had an account with DISH and we found 5 friends to sign up so they would get the FREE DVR.

DISH Network shipped the FREE DVR 508, and when the receiver arrived my friends mother put the receiver in the closet for safe keeping.

They had an old model 3000 receiver and I offered dozens of times to swap it out when I was visiting, but she always claimed it was not a good day to do it, eventhough it would have taken me 5 minutes to do. My best friend gets his own apartment, we setup a DISH for him and we decide to go over to his parents house to get the 508 tha has been collecting dust at his mothers house for the past 2 years and she gets in an argument over him about him wanting to use it to setup a new account.

To make a long story short, one day she is on the phone with DISH paying a bill and they talk her into upgrading to a Model 510. She let the DISH technician into her home to swap out the 3000 with a leased 510, yet she was not ready for me to swap her 3000 with an owned 508 with no DVR fees.

Besides that, I don't know how many times I have sold customers receivers and they have called me 6 months later to install it. Also I have seen equipment purchaed on the DISH Store not activated for 6 months after we initially sold it!!!

#2 With the exception of the members on this forum, customers generally don't know how to properly install. so instead of letting customers botch up their installation its easier to get a tech out to do it right the first time.

#3 Warranty, its a warrantied installation and is usually done right. No worries about the system not being installed incorrectly and then the customer calling to cancel in 3 months claiming the system never worked right.
:eek: :) wow when I'm waiting for my receivers I'm at the curb waiting for the brown truck as though it was a ice cream truck. then its like Xmas's opening the box before i even get inside all while on my cell phone with dish getting it turned on and its not even got the wrapper off yet. and you think I'm going to put it in the closet and forget it. i bet mine are up and running 3 min tops! lol

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