Do Direct TV & Dish Network Use the Same Type of Cable?


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Jan 12, 2012
SF Bay Area
The reason I ask is that we would like to switch from Direct TV to Dish Network but are less likely to do so if the cable would need to be replaced. (It took a lot of work to
get it installed and, as tenants, we are responsible for damage to the unit.) Tried asking Dish Network but couldn't get a straight answer. Any insight would be
Dish uses the standard coaxial cables just like Direct tv and the cable company. Dish will fit right in without any rewiring unless you have a bad cable.
Did whoever installed the cable use satellite grade cable? It should be printed on the cable that it's swept to 2.2 ghz (or higher). If so, you have a really good shot. Or was the cable installed by DirecTV? In any case, an 'in-house' Dish tech may or may not be able to use it.
My advise is to go thru your local Dish retailer.
No need to dissect all the aspects on this. Most likely yes, it can be used. If it worked fine with Direct it will work with Dish. The tech can certainly make sure the cable is good before installing if there is any question. Go for it!!
Well, does DirecTV use bandstacking?

I'd give it 90%+ odds of the cable being perfectly good for Dish network use.
Well, does DirecTV use bandstacking?

I'd give it 90%+ odds of the cable being perfectly good for Dish network use.

DirecTV uses Channel Stacking Switch (CSS) technology.
Dish uses Band Stacking Switch (BSS) technology.

One isn't really better than the other. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Yes. If it worked for DirecTV, it should work for Dish. Even some RG59 for digital cable can work with Dish/DirecTV. In fact, it is part of the Dish installation process for techs to consider using and test existing cable in a residence to determine if that can be used instead of laying down new cable. They should be sensitive to your needs and willing to forgo hard work if they can do so with good results. The techs can test it.
Im wondering how many actual Dishnetwork installers answered this question?

Want an answer from an installer? I'll give you the 'right' answer as required by dishnetwork, and then the answer from one that will do almost anything a customer asks.

1st as per dishes rules: Perfect Vision cable ( Direct's cable) is not approved and therefore will need to be replaced.

2nd as per a tech's oppinion: if you say you DO NOT want the cable changed out and require it to be used 90% of installers will use it under this requirement.

Advice I will give you, if an installer comes by and says: "I have to change it out" ask him why and then say, " reschedule this job for another guy that will do it for me the way i want it done". Some one will do it Quas be damned. I would and just note the account as per customer request.

Honestly: perfect vision cable works just as good if not better than "Dish Approved", but Dish doesnt want it used cuz it says Directv on it and Charlie doesn't like that.
Im wondering how many actual Dishnetwork installers answered this question?

Want an answer from an installer? I'll give you the 'right' answer as required by dishnetwork, and then the answer from one that will do almost anything a customer asks.

1st as per dishes rules: Perfect Vision cable ( Direct's cable) is not approved and therefore will need to be replaced.

2nd as per a tech's oppinion: if you say you DO NOT want the cable changed out and require it to be used 90% of installers will use it under this requirement.

Advice I will give you, if an installer comes by and says: "I have to change it out" ask him why and then say, " reschedule this job for another guy that will do it for me the way i want it done". Some one will do it Quas be damned. I would and just note the account as per customer request.

Honestly: perfect vision cable works just as good if not better than "Dish Approved", but Dish doesnt want it used cuz it says Directv on it and Charlie doesn't like that.

I switched from D* to E* 6 weeks ago. The E* installers, who were E* employees, did a good job but they used existing D* RG6 cable runs from my basement to the receiver outlets. The E* setup works fine as installed.
Did whoever installed the cable use satellite grade cable? It should be printed on the cable that it's swept to 2.2 ghz (or higher). If so, you have a really good shot. Or was the cable installed by DirecTV? In any case, an 'in-house' Dish tech may or may not be able to use it.
My advise is to go thru your local Dish retailer.

In 2002 DISH installed RG6 swept tested 2.5 GHz.

In 2006 DirecTV installed RG6 swept tested 3 GHz.

Just for information purposes.;)
Im wondering how many actual Dishnetwork installers answered this question?

Want an answer from an installer? I'll give you the 'right' answer as required by dishnetwork, and then the answer from one that will do almost anything a customer asks.

1st as per dishes rules: Perfect Vision cable ( Direct's cable) is not approved and therefore will need to be replaced.

2nd as per a tech's oppinion: if you say you DO NOT want the cable changed out and require it to be used 90% of installers will use it under this requirement.

Advice I will give you, if an installer comes by and says: "I have to change it out" ask him why and then say, " reschedule this job for another guy that will do it for me the way i want it done". Some one will do it Quas be damned. I would and just note the account as per customer request.

Honestly: perfect vision cable works just as good if not better than "Dish Approved", but Dish doesnt want it used cuz it says Directv on it and Charlie doesn't like that.

Interesting as my installed Perfect Vision RG6(installed in 2006) does not have DirecTV printed on it anywhere.
Jhon69 said:
Interesting as my installed Perfect Vision RG6(installed in 2006) does not have DirecTV printed on it anywhere.

Most of the perfect vision I see does. I quit looking past the 'perfect vision' print a couple years ago and straight to thinking " %#^*+=#@&$. I have to rerun all this perfectly good cable due to some stupid rule imposed by Dish standards.".

We as installers, (in my office at least) can not get a straight forward answer from our management as to why we are not allowed to use pre-existing Perfect Vision cable, other than being told "just do your job".

IMHO its perfectly good cable. I just think we arent supposed to use it cuz the big wigs dont like the fact that it's Directv's name brand cable............
Which is why I advised the OP to contact a Retailer. The guy that shows up will use whatever cable is there and won't give a D about what's printed on the cable. And I'm sure it will be fine.
<--- Technician. I am supposed to replace any Perfect Vision cable, re-branded or not. Do I? Sometimes. If I have to relocate the dish. It it will sit where the current dish is or thereabouts, that is if Dir didn't put 12 barrels in the line. The unfortunate thing is, is that even though that cable is good, probably better than what I carry, it will fail a Dish Network quality control inspection. As is will several other brands of cable that are swept to 3.0.

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