Do HD PPV movies ever change?


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 6, 2004
I'm fairly new to dish but haven't noticed any changes to their HD PPV movie line-up. I'm beginning to wonder if they ever change. Comments?
I have not picked between Dish and Direct TV yet.

Direct TV has different HD PPVs every couple of hours and they are only $4.99 For some reason Dish plays real old ones, the same almost every day AND they charge a Dollar More $5.99


do they have a better picture or something?
Actually, the movies shown are very very similar if not exactly the same on both services. A whole lot of 1 hour imax (good but not for $6), Willard, and Millenium Actress. I wonder how many people have actually ordered?
vetboy44 said:
Actually, the movies shown are very very similar if not exactly the same on both services. A whole lot of 1 hour imax (good but not for $6), Willard, and Millenium Actress. I wonder how many people have actually ordered?
I have not ordered a ppv-hd yet...Have not gotten the means to archive in hd yet. But hopefully soon E* way ,D* way, V* way, or BUD*way or some at this time unheard of but soon popular way... I will.
The only good movie on HD PPV was Sinbad. I recorded it for the kids. (also not bad to watch as an adult!)
I agree that there needs to be HD PPV that at least matches the first run ones on 506 or 512.
bobj2004 said:
No way, Direct TV has by far much better HD TV PPV.

Most are current and real movies all for $4.99 not $5.99 like at Dishnetwork.

Check them out channel 85.

You better check again. The listed movies on D* are no different than E*. IMAX & Millenium Actress............please! THey were even 2 I never heard of!
It looks like both DBS services need better HD PPV.
Dish's PPV is currently a waste of bandwidth. Didn't realize this until I received the 921.

Program providers may not be willing to let the HD go out this close to DVD release. Perhaps this will change once the copy protect flags are enforced.
At least they show 3 or 4 different movies now, you guys should have been around here 3 years ago when they ran one movie for 3 months.
Content providers wont let them show new movies in HD. LOTR was the last movie that I could remember them showing that was worth it. So many movies on PPV right now that I would love to watch in HD. Ugh, greedy movie companies..

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HDTV location switch (110) programming scam...

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