Do I Have A Case With Dish?

I signed up with Dish about 3 weeks ago, and had I known the 722 was going to be coming out on August 15th, I would have just waited until then to sign up. Do I have a case to do a trade of the 622 for the 722 at no additional cost since I'm such a new customer and would have just waited until 8/15 had I known it was coming out then?
Question..If you buy a car in say, August and the model you purchsed went through a major redesign. The mfgr released the new model three months later. More power, better fuel economy, more features..Do you think the dealership shoud take the car back and give you the newer model?....
Question..If you buy a car in say, August and the model you purchsed went through a major redesign. More power, better fuel economy, more features..Do you think the dealership shoud take the car back and give you the newer model?....

No, but you know that new model is coming out long before it actually shows up at the dealer. There are reviews and articles regarding the improvements and salemen will tell you when the new models will show up. So you can plan accordingly.

With Dish you have to snoop around the Internets to find out because if you ask the Dish people they will lie and tell you that they do not know. That's the difference. It leaves bad taste in one's mouth.

I was treated like a child by the Englewood problem resolution office. After Dish bungled my install by not bothering to show up while I waited for six hours I called the Englewood office. I asked straight forward when and if I can get the 722 if I wait till 15th August (cca two weeks from the original order) with install.

The guy kept telling me 722 does not exist. Then when I actually told him of the specs and that the net has pictures and specs plastered all over it he still insisted that it does not exist, but he cleverly added qualifier "it does not exist till 15th". And this is the guy that is supposed to troubleshoot problems and help you.

It's the approach that irks me. The smug arrogant straigh forward lying to my face. I am a reasonable guy with lot of technical knowledge, and if that guy only said well it is oficially coming on 15th but there will be shortages and the only difference is the HD I would just say OK I'll go with the 622. So why the lying? Because they can? Is that it?

I've had dish before for five years, and I still want it, but these little childish games made me quite angry. Why? Just why they can treat their customers as adults?
Well, I went ahead and politely emailed my case to the ceo email at dish that one of the posters in this thread gave me. Today I got a response back from them saying that they will replace my 622 with a 722 at no additional cost! If I had asked for something similar from Time Warner (my former tv programming provider), they would have laughed in my face. I absolutely LOVE Dish Network!
Because about half of all customers act like children?

You got that right. I've had it with this business. What the hells is wrong with these people? How much recording space do you actually need? Do you really watch that much TV?? Jesus, I think the DVR is great and all(I'm still satisfied with my 625 and 20" Sanyo, but I spend most of my time WORKING, and not on the couch), but come on! Step back and take a good look at yourselves in the mirror. I install these things for a living and I just read about this 722 on here yesterday. Who cares? And I would like it to go on record that whoever keeps dropping that ceo email addy everytime a customer has a tantrum should be drawn and quartered! They are just perpetuating the idea that customers can get whatever the hell they want if they yell loud enough. Where are we gonna draw the line??
Consider your alternatives. These are really good deals you're getting, but I guess they aren't good enough. Nothing will ever be good enough. Sub standard Customer Service? I guess that's about right since they pretty much have to keep churning these things out en masse just to provide you with your precious 'best deals', so they have to scrimp on things like training good CSR's, and paying them what they're worth. You couldn't pay me enough to do their job and listen to you little girls bitch and whine 8-10 hours a day. I hear enough of it during installs.

Bah, I'm done with this rant. I guess it really has no place in this thread. Delete away.
Amen brother !!!!!! As a distributor I hear this all the time with my retailers and it drives them nuts. It's all this demanding that drives allot of good people out of this business.

You people forget about acquisition costs involved with each customer. It takes the providers between 1 1/2- 2 years to break even on each customer, and this is only if you stay with your original equipment. You're not considering the cost of the installer, and time involved into getting your old box ready for redeployment as well.

Please show me any other electronic device that will let you change your mind and upgrade at no cost after purchase. I'm not sure about other states but out here in CA you only have a 3 day right of rescission after purchase. THAT'S IT !!!!!! OH and by the way, if you sign an 18 month agreement with Dish today there is no 30 trial period any more.

UHF remote interference

Possible to cut the monthly total down to below $100?

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