Does Dish offer more HBO/Max feeds ??


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Supporting Founder
Jun 17, 2005
Hi, I have a Dish 500 with a DVR-510 receiver on a 2 yr. lease. I like certain programs that only are on HBO Comedy and my dish does not get that feed. Is there another dish and/or reciever that will get all the HBO/Max feeds like cable?

Thanks all.:confused:
HBO Comedy is on 110 satellite. Can you see the 110 satellite with your dish (you should be able to as the Dish500 sees both 119 & 110)?

what happens when you type in "307" on the remote? (Thats HBO Comedy)
HBO Comedy is on 110 satellite. Can you see the 110 satellite with your dish (you should be able to as the Dish500 sees both 119 & 110)?

what happens when you type in "307" on the remote? (Thats HBO Comedy)

How do I get to the scrn. that tells me if I'm seeing sat. 110? When I punch in 307 the rec. goes to 305 each time. Are there any other HBO feeds I'm missing with this 500 Dish? Thanks.
HBO Comedy is on 110 satellite. Can you see the 110 satellite with your dish (you should be able to as the Dish500 sees both 119 & 110)?

what happens when you type in "307" on the remote? (Thats HBO Comedy)

How do I get to the scrn. that tells me if I'm seeing sat. 110? When I punch in 307 the rec. goes to 305 each time. Are there any other HBO feeds I'm missing with this 500 Dish? Thanks.

it appears that I get HBO E & W, HBO 2 E & W, HBO Family on #305, and HBO Signature #302. I do not get Comedy. after #305 the guide goes to #310- Max. I don't follow why I do not get HBO Comedy?????
Run a checkswitch. Go into menu and hit 611.


Got it. It seems that sat. #110 was not online. After performing the test I was able to p/up HBO comedy & latino. Geogre Carlin is on tonight @ 9:30 PM with his 2005 HBO show which I missed last year. Perfect timing! Thanks Guys.;)
Got it. It seems that sat. #110 was not online. After performing the test I was able to p/up HBO comedy & latino. Geogre Carlin is on tonight @ 9:30 PM with his 2005 HBO show which I missed last year. Perfect timing! Thanks Guys.;)

Glad it worked for ya. Enjoy.


output question, need help

DISH Guide Question

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