Does the $150 6000 offer include Component cables?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
Hi. Are the standard high quality component cables that come with this unit included with the $150 refurb offer? The CSR I talked to didn't know. WHo knew?! :)
Mine came with the component cables. Don't forget to ask for the 8VSB card. They don't automatically give it to you, but if you ask, they add it for a small shipping fee.
Talk about a fast reply! Thanks. And yeah, I won't be fogetting about the 8VSB. This deal is just too good to pass up.
I don't have an HD set and bought this thing anyway. The downconverted signal looks great. I was able to put a small antenna in my closet and it gives me 8 OTA digital signals. CBS & ABC broadcast HD content, the others are just digital. Now it's time to sell the idea of an LCD set to my wife.

501/P1.99/Starting to watch a program that's recording?

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