Does Tilt Really Need to Be Set on an SL3?

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Tilt aka skew is critical on an aim. Since the satellites really arent in a straight line (unless you live at say 99W longitude) you do need to skew the dish
You need to set it to the nominal value for your zip code. But once you have set it, it's quite likely you don't need to adjust it to get good signals. That's because you don't have the 119 satellite, and 99/103 are so close to 101 that small errors in the tilt don't have a big effect.
You need to set it to the nominal value for your zip code. But once you have set it, it's quite likely you don't need to adjust it to get good signals. That's because you don't have the 119 satellite, and 99/103 are so close to 101 that small errors in the tilt don't have a big effect.
Actually, they can. 99° and 103° are linear (Horizontal and Vertical) KA instead of circular polarity, so minor polarity missalignment can effect the signal level and quality.
Your tilt would have to be WAY out to affect the signal through an additional polarization mismatch. So far out that you would not see 99 and 103 at all.
I'll say, from experience, that tilt most certainly can be way off and not have a serious effect on 99 and 103. When I say way off, I'm talking 5-10 degrees or so. Not 30 or 40...
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