DPP44 Problem


Original poster
Nov 5, 2006
I have a Dish 522 and a Dish 322, wired up to run on 4 TV's. I just recieved it and tried to set the switch up my self (bad move) I have the Dish DPP44 Switch and two satelites.

When I run Check Switch, it says running test 1 - 50. When it is finished running, it says Switch may be wired incorectly. Here is my wiring diagram http://www.flickr.com/photos/71258718@N00/289664258/

If anyone can tell me what is wrong with that or provide me with a wiring diagram for two satelites, I would GREATLY appriciate it! Thanks!:)
Here is a nice diagram for the installation of a DPP44 and diplexers.


You don't say anything about your LNBs, how many dishes do you have? What LNBs do you have? You need one cable run to the switch for each satellite you have. For example, if you're only looking at 119 and 110 you'll need two cable runs to the switch.

Looks like you have the power inserter correctly on Port 1. Are the single receivers seeing the switch? It will be nice to know what receivers you have too.
Forgive me, I'm not used to doing this :) . Ok, here I go again, (I have no clue what LNBs are) I have 2 dishes (I shouldn't have said Satellites in the first post, I meant dishes, I think they are running 121, 119, 110, and 61.5) My recievers are (DVR 522 and Dish 322), And none of the recivers are seeing the satellites.
And I have the Super Dish and the dish 500 FYI.
If its checking "1-50", its not seeing the DishPro stuff, it thinks its legacy equipment.

Unhook 121 and 61.5 and run the check switch again. Then add them back in once everything is working. Make sure 121 goes on Port 4.

Also, did you hook up the Power Inserter on Port 1?
With a DPP44 switch you only need one cable run to each dual tuner receiver IF you have a DPP separator. If you don't have a DPP separator then YES you need two cable runs to each receiver.

Start with the 322 and just 119 and 110 on the switch, run check switch and see if the 322 recognizes the switch configuration and sees 119 and 110. Then move to the 522 and the diplexers.
Unplug everything from the switch and wait a few minutes then plug in Port 1 (Power Inserter) first and then Port 2. Connect the cables from the dishes and run check switch. If that doesn't work, check your connectors.

Do the LNBs have the words "DP" on the front? As mentioned above, you can't use Legacy LNBs with DP switches.
Here is a nice diagram for the installation of a DPP44 and diplexers.


You don't say anything about your LNBs, how many dishes do you have? What LNBs do you have? You need one cable run to the switch for each satellite you have. For example, if you're only looking at 119 and 110 you'll need two cable runs to the switch.

Looks like you have the power inserter correctly on Port 1. Are the single receivers seeing the switch? It will be nice to know what receivers you have too.
The way I see it, if he is loking at D-500 he deos not need a switch for two dualk tuners..In fact he has the sdystem wired with two cables per receiver...That leads me to think he had HD or interantional programming OR he is in a 129 DMA.
Couldn't have done it without you, and yes I do have international progamming, Indian Channels FYI.. Thanks again!

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