DVBWorld Software ? (Nextorm)

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 28, 2006
Ok, Got everything hooked up, and from previous posts help, I learned how to use GotoX andd can now connect my dish straight to my USB box.
What I can't seem to find out is, I just assume that when you move to a sat, say AMC-3 how do I save that spot (I have to fine tune from the gotoX spot) so it goes there everytime, and how do you tell it to move from sat to sat by changeing channels? I just assume that it's supposed to move on it's own, say you click pbs hd it moves there, you click on a t5 channel it moves there. But I assume too much sometimes, a quick google search on nextorm brigns up this page: http://www.nextormdigital.com/Download.html with downloads of a manual, a version of software slightly newer (2.06 it says but when I tried it I think it still sad version 1 build 6something, but looks like it had more TP updates in it, will have to compare more on that later, I went back to cd version for other reasons). But on this page is a Test Report, in it I read between the lines, it mentions changing channels on the same TP is a few seconds, but other TP's on same sat are several seconds long. It never mentions changeing satellites, I don't know if it's because the test did not have a motor dish, or because the software does not auto move, requires manual moving of the dish.

So to get to my point, does anyone use the included software to move the dish vs slaving it off another box, if so does the software auto move when changing birds, or am I screded up somewhere?


( I have a copy of DVBDream, haven't got the hang of either on yet, I may try that software more to see if I can make it move automaticly)

I slave from my Coolsat.Never saw the need to motor the dish with the DVB World box.I can't really answer your question.
bryanw20 said:
Ok, Got everything hooked up, and from previous posts help, I learned how to use GotoX andd can now connect my dish straight to my USB box.

( I have a copy of DVBDream, haven't got the hang of either on yet, I may try that software more to see if I can make it move automaticly)


Ok, now that Football day is here, here's another question, the one game I was looking for, there was no audio. How do you set Pids in either Nextorm or DvbDream?
bryanw20 said:
Ok, now that Football day is here, here's another question, the one game I was looking for, there was no audio. How do you set Pids in either Nextorm or DvbDream?

Ok, found it in DvbDream, channel Properties, but not in Nextorm yet.
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Any CW channels on Ku band?

DVB World Box & Fortec Receiver

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