Employee Promotions at Echostar

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
The following Echostar Employees have received promotions, SatelliteGuys.US would like to congratulate everyone on their promotions!

The list of promotions comes to our courtesy of The Rockey Montain News.


Dish Network announced the following promotions: Stanton Dodge to legal vice president; Curtis Elswick to information technologies vice president; Greg Goldey to vice president of engineering; Melissa Gonzalez to vice president of customer management options; Chris Kuelling, Kerry Miller, Robert Rehg and Nick Sayeedi to legal vice presidents; Doug Mohr to vice president of accounting; Chris Palmer to vice president of customer service center operations; Bryan Arnold to director of sales for Dish Network business solutions; Paul Bellotti to engineering director; Terry Brown to finance director; Dennis Hanson to director of operations for Dish Network Service; Marc Lumpkin to director of corporate communications; Jennifer Palasz to accounting director; Julie Riddell to director of customer management operations; Steve Schwartz to director of pay- per-view in programming; Sean Thorne to information technologies director; and Kathy Vanegas to director of creative services in marketing.
boba said:
Now if DISH only increased their pay instead of giving them a title they might have happier employees.

"but then we'd have to raise your rates......." (take the video clip from any of the 100 Charlie Chat clips where he uses that line........

Lost an OTA digital channel

Just had a call from Dish

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