Excellent Tech Chat

John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
I don't kknow about the rest of you, but I really enjoyed the tech chat!!!

:clap :clap :clap

Did I hear "name based recording" or was I dreaming?
Bill, I think they said mid year for all the DVR's.

Scott, ya I know.....my computer and TV aren't close enough to participate.
Could someone post a recap of the chat. I got called away and could watch the chat or follow the chat here. I would really appericate it.

name base recording will be a great feature on 921!!! and if dishwire is active it will put it on top of the Tivo... But again the real question is will this ever happen or are we dreaming? wake me up somebody...
Mike500 said:
I was disappointed that they didn't mention anything about the lack of and tough situation in getting hardware.
It was a tech chat. Not a retailers chat or a charlie chat. It's only concern was the technology of the equipment, not the business end/supply chain.
Thats true, but they we hawking the 811 and 921 TV combos which you couldn't order if you wanted to.

No need advertising a product that you can't get.

6000 recall problems?

Retailer Chat Today at NOON Eastern!

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