Extended Warranty / Used Receiver


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 29, 2004
I have the $1.99 extended warranty on my account since January of this year. If I purchase a used receiver on Ebay, will it be covered? What if I get the receiver and it is DOA, or is missing the smart card? (The seller is a large liquidation place that does a lot of volume and doesn't personally check every item)


I don't know about smart card... Dish charges retailers for returned equipment without smart cards.

other than that, the PXW covers replacement of all Dish Logo equipment.
The equipment has to be active on your account to be covered by the extended warranty. If it dosen't have a smart card you can't activate it so it wouldn't be covered. If it dosen't work you can still "activate" on your account but I wouldn't try to file a claim the next day.
boba said:
If it dosen't have a smart card you can't activate it so it wouldn't be covered.

Anyone know the cost to obtain a new smartcard from dish? I assume it is a bit pricey, otherwise people would charge up lots of stuff and then just get new cards. Is it difficult to get one?
Well... moot point now.... but for the life of me I cannot understand why someone would pay $356+28(shipping) for a used 721 that is not verified to be working, or even include a remote or smartcard!


I'd much rather pay $460 here including shipping, which is probably what I'll do since ebay prices for this receiver are awful!

Anyone under contract have any luck canceling service?

Tried to Cancel today but could not- lines all full

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