Extra Reciever


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Original poster
Nov 28, 2006
What i'm thinking of doing is trying to hook up another reciever in the garage, i currently have a small tv out there to keep an eye on the football games on sunday while i do woodworking, right now i just have some rabbit ears on the tv to get the local channels. I was thinking of trying to get a used receiver off ebay (or somehwere) and running a cable for the dish (tv connection 3) to the reciever then to the tv. I don't really want to pay the 4.99 (i'm a little cheap i guess) as i don't really want/need the tv that much for all the channels. Am i just dreaming that this can be done? We currently have a dual channel reciever, one goes to living room, and one goes to the kids playroom. Thanks.
What i'm thinking of doing is trying to hook up another reciever in the garage, i currently have a small tv out there to keep an eye on the football games on sunday while i do woodworking, right now i just have some rabbit ears on the tv to get the local channels. I was thinking of trying to get a used receiver off ebay (or somehwere) and running a cable for the dish (tv connection 3) to the reciever then to the tv. I don't really want to pay the 4.99 (i'm a little cheap i guess) as i don't really want/need the tv that much for all the channels. Am i just dreaming that this can be done? We currently have a dual channel reciever, one goes to living room, and one goes to the kids playroom. Thanks.

If your cheap, why not just mirror and image off of TV2 (kids room).

A two-way splitter and some coax is all you'll need.
If your cheap, why not just mirror and image off of TV2 (kids room).

A two-way splitter and some coax is all you'll need.

RC is right. Plus that has the advantage of being able to take the TV2 remote out there and being able to turn the channels since it is an UHF remote.

You could mirror image (using a splitter) off the TV feed from TV1, but you would have to go back to the TV1 room to turn the channel since the TV1 remote is infrared.
You would need a UHF upgrade kit if you just have a single tuner satellite receiver if you want to turn the channels from out there. If you do not care about turning channels from out there then just hookup a splitter and run it to that television. The thing is the UHF upgrade kit might not work in some situations to where the UHF commands may not be able to reach the receiver. If you sold your receiver that you have right now you could buy a 322 and have two tuners in it. If you keep it connected to a phone line then the $4.99 additional outlet fee is waived. You also get the UHF functionality built in. if the UHF is out of range then you can put a splitter on the receiver end and the tv end. Connect uhf antenna wire from uhf antenna input on receiver to one side of splitter and tv 2 out on the other end where the receiver is at. At the tv end one side of the splitter goes to the tv, the other side to the small UHF antenna. You can connect it to as many other televisions as you want as long as you do not care to watch the same thing off of that same tuner and take the remote with you and turn the channels from anywhere. You can watch two different things at the same time and your monthly bill would not go up. Dish Network has upgrade offers for existing subscribers so you might be able to get it for $50. This would be the best solution for you.
thanks, i have the duel tuner receiver now and i was looking to hook up a third, i may just tap into the second room connection and get another remote.

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