Fan and DA Out


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 20, 2004
Hi All,
I'm new to the 522 and to the SatelliteGuys forum...this place is great!

I have two questions...

1. Is it normal for the cooling fan to run when both tuners are off?

2. Is it normal for the Digital Audio Output to stay "LIT" when the unit is off?

That's it for now...more soon!

Thanks in advance,
Welcome aboard!

A1. Yes. Dunno if it's thermostatically controlled or not.
A2. Yes.

Remember, "Off" doesn't really exist - the power button puts the unit into Stand-By.
I think SimpleSimon's "Off doesn't really exist" explains it best. The tuner's outputs turn off via the remote, but otherwise, the box is always "on", but sleeping or in standby.
Thanks - but remember, the tuner's outputs are not necessarily "off" either. It may vary by model, but some output black screen when off - thereby confusing automatic video switchers.

Thanks for the replies guys!

The 522 does output a black screen when in standby mode on the RCAs and the RF output for TV2.

My problem mentioned above relates to audio switching....since I have to use a separate tuner for locals I tried to hook up digital and analog audio on the same channel on my luck with the DA outs on the 522 staying on eternally. Oh well, just more buttons to press between sat and locals.

As for the fan issue...I am an audio engineer and at times any extra noise can be a problem so to turn the unit completely "OFF" I may just have to unplug the power for a short time.

Ah - yeah - my STR-DE695 would probably act the same with my 921.

It's real hard to discuss specific hookups, and you sound like you've got it in hand, but why not use a different input for the sat & local tuners?
If I can chime in on the fan issue. My fan never runs! It only comes on for about 3 or 4 seconds right at the moment the unit restarts from a reboot. Maybe like Simon says, there's a thermostat involved. Is it really hot where you keep your 522? 'Cause it's always pretty cool where mine is and it has a lot of breathing room in every direction (Metro wire shelving).

tnt hd looks good lakers and wolves on now

Can I use a 3X4 multiswitch to add a 3rd reciever?

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