Farewell Vivek Khemka

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I am saddened to learn that Vivek Khemka is leaving DISH and headed to Liberty Latin America to help build new opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Vivek (Known here at SatelliteGuys as khemka ) has been a good friend to SatelliteGuys over the years and was always happy to talk about things or have a camera and mic shoved in his face as I interviewed him at places such as CES and Team Summit.

Vivek always made sure that I had the new items first so I could test them and review them for our members. He also helped us start our Beta Testing opportunities for our members something we still do to this day. He understood that SatelliteGuys members were passionate about Satellite TV, and if anyone could find and report bugs it would be SatelliteGuys Members. Boy was he right. :D

Vivek was only the second person after Charlie Ergen to take us under his wing. With many at DISH we were pushed away. Vivek wanted to know more about use and embraced us, he understood what we were doing.

I am going to miss talking with him and wish him the best of luck in Latin America! I know for sure if there is one person who don't mind digging in and trying something new.

Thank you for everything khemka, I will miss you... we will miss you.

I posted this in another thread before I saw this thread so here it is again:

This is bad news. From what I've heard Vivek was the brains behind the 16 tuner hybrid technology and a lot of other things at Dish. Besides that he's a really nice guy. Very sorry to see him go. :(

If you're reading this Vivek good luck with your future endeavors. I'm sure you'll continue to be a great success. :)

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