Favorites Lists


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
Dish DVR's only allows you to create a grand total of 3 favorite lists. Given the number of channels available, you would think they would allow more. The "ALL CHANNELS" list and the "ALL SUBSCRIBED CHANNELS" list is redundant in my opinion. The "ALL CHANNELS" list already shows "unsubscribed" channels in red. Freeing up the "ALL SUB" list would give us at least one additional list to create. My old C-Band allowed up to 15 lists and that was great. How much effort would it take to give us more choices? Also, since there is so much out there that you don't want kids to watch, how about a "kid lock" that would exclude all other lists and only allow your kids access to a list you've created of stations they are allowed to watch. Then you wouldn't have to put a lock on every restricted channel. Just my .02
To each their own. But I thnk the All sub list is great. I would hate to lose it. And I hate going trhough multiple lists.
Although this doesn't help you out, things could be worse: we DTivo-ers only get one favorites list and we have to manually set up our own "All Subscribed" list.
The DVR 510 allows for 4 favorites lists as well. I have one for my wife, one for me, one for my kids, and one for the movie channels.
My big thing on this is it should indicate to you in red which channels you are not subscribed to when you are picking channels from the list as you set up your favorites. The 501 does this, and it makes it a lot easier to set up and/or modify the list. Seems like it would be a fairly simple thing for them to fix. I just wish they would!
BobaBird said:
treiher, which receiver are you referring to that doesn't show unsubscribed channels in red on the favorites setup?

I'm not the OP, but, I use the ALL SUB list a lot, especially since I have a dish pointed at 148, but don't subscribe to the
international stuff. Having them not take up space on the screen is a good thing.

Also, the 721 has 4 fav lists, not including all chan, and all sub. FWIW.
BobaBird said:
treiher, which receiver are you referring to that doesn't show unsubscribed channels in red on the favorites setup?

The 721 doesn't do it, unless they've changed it recently.

6000 w/783 software bug. Does your 6k do this?

Manufactured Date for 811 ?

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