Feature Request for 322 receiver


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 24, 2004
Corona, CA
I'd like to see the 322 have the following feature added (anyone from Dish listening?).

In a two room setup (which is what the 322 is for, right?), I'd like the second output to have more "locks" and "guide controls" setup.

I've got the 2nd output feeding to the kids room, and have setup channel locks on *all* channels apart from the "parent authorized" family acceptable ones (cartoons, nickelodeon, disney etc).

However, two painful things came to light in setting this up.

1) setting up a channel lockout of almost all channels is a pain in the rear. The channel lock screen has a "clear all channels", why not a "set all channels" ?? Feature request #1.

2) even with (mostly) all the channels "locked", when you press guide on the second remote, up pops *all* the available channels, and *all* the subbed channels on a second "guide" button press. Why can I not "lock out" the lists, and setup (say) a favoritess list (which I've done), and then only allow that list (my parental authorized one) to be shown on the "guide" ONLY! Feature request #2.

This would make a great "parent" friendly option for the 322.

You could even get smarter and allow the full "guide" to be displayed after pressing say "guide" and then the "*" or "#" button and follow that with the "enter your passcode", for the times when a parent wants to allow a show on an unauthorized channel.

is it possible to have the 811 remote operate

From 522 to my Computer HArd Drive?

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