Fire stick app


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Is the fire stick app usually buggy? (New old guy coming back to dish, installation scheduled for Monday) it doesn’t seem very user friendly in navigating things. You can’t even tell what you have highlighted to make a selection. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Is the fire stick app usually buggy? (New old guy coming back to dish, installation scheduled for Monday) it doesn’t seem very user friendly in navigating things. You can’t even tell what you have highlighted to make a selection. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Where aren't you seeing your selection highlighted? The "Home", "Guide", "DVR", etc choices on the top bar turn bold and bright when you navigate to them, the "Home" and "DVR" screen choices enlarge as you navigate to them, and the "Guide" listings are outlined and enlarge when you navigate to them.
I agree that the remote itself on the Fire Stick is awkward and difficult to figure out in addition to being unintuitive. No buttons for channel input you have to feel you way around to figure out what the menu (such as it is) items do, but OTOH it's $7.00 a month cheaper than a Joey and newer ones do 4K.
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Where aren't you seeing your selection highlighted? The "Home", "Guide", "DVR", etc choices on the top bar turn bold and bright when you navigate to them, the "Home" and "DVR" screen choices enlarge as you navigate to them, and the "Guide" listings are outlined and enlarge when you navigate to them.
The only thing that will highlight is the search. That’s it. Nothing else will.
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Youse the arrow buttons. For me each selection icon gets bigger when you select it. If that doesn't work unplug your Firestick & plug back in. Maybe it just needs a reboot.
Yeah, it doesn’t get bigger. It’s like your going in blind. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and still doing the same thing.
I’ve used my Firestik quite often this summer. Other 5han the occasional lip sync problem it has worked pretty much flawlessly. If a reset doesn’t solve your problem you might just want to return it for a new one.

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