For HD programming which is better 129° or 61.5°


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 25, 2011
Because of tree's I can't use a single dish I have a dish 500 with a DP+ lnb and a 18" dish with a DP single lnb does it matter if I point at 129 or is 61.5 better? I'm in NW Wisconsin.
You would do best to orient yourself based on where your HD locals are. Either go with the Eastern arc, 61.5, 72.7, 77, or Western arc, 110, 119, 129. FWIW 129 has most of the HD programming and 61.5 has little.....
As Bobby said, 61.5 has little HD since Dish moved the bulk of it to 72.7 earlier this year.
129 it is. I seem to get a stronger signal this way than others by me with the single 1000 dish. I wonder why more people don't use a dish 500 and a 18" dish 300 pointed at 129?
You think you get a better HD picture with a 1000.2 dish than with a dish 500 with DPP lnb and a second dish 300 with a DP single lnb?? Why would the picture be better? The only reason Dish installs the single dish solution is because the laws that were passed by the fcc. requiring a single dish solution. Stronger signal means less rain fade.
The only reason Dish installs the single dish solution is because the laws that were passed by the fcc.
no they didn't. They passed a law years ago that says you couldnt split locals across multiple sats. Back then Dish woudl put the Big 4 on 110 or 119 and have the "minor" locals (shopping,religious, etc) on a second dish inn some cases. Here in Minneapolis we needed a 61.5 dish for one PBS station

There were markets that Dish put all the locals on 148 (when it existed) so folks needed two dishes then.

If you have International programming you might need 2 dishes (Directv its a given, DIsh does if you have Eastern Arc)
some folks who use a separate dish for 129 use a larger dish...the stock 18" at 129 really is no better than the D1000.2 setup

me...I have a 36" dish at 129 :)
yes OTARD covers multiple dishes.......a simple google of OTARD would have given you this info ;)

Q: Can a restriction limit the number of antennas that may be installed at a particular location?

The Commission’s rule covers the antennas necessary to receive service. Therefore, a local rule may not, for example, allow only one antenna if more than one antenna is necessary to receive the desired service.

That is how I got our association "rule" changed way back when because at the time Minneapolis required 2 dishes for locals and their "rules" say one dish.
some folks who use a separate dish for 129 use a larger dish...the stock 18" at 129 really is no better than the D1000.2 setup me...I have a 36" dish at 129 :)
Well I'm only 2 hours drive northwest of Twin citys and very seldom lose signal on 129 with a 18" dish because of rain. If it's raining hard enough to lose it with a dish 500 then I will also lose 129. Back in the day I used a old Primestar 1.0 meter dish at 119 with a modified lnb and would never lose signal but I don't think I want 3- 1 meter dishes now days.

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