For those who would like to Track AMC14

Guys remember that It depeands on what kind of orbit it is in. Remember while it may decrease in altitude now, it could very well be on it's close orbit to the earth and on the other side of the orbit gain in altitude.
It has dropped 2000 miles in elevation over the last 1/2 hour. At this rate will will not even last a couple of hours. I don't think this is accurate. Perhaps because it is not in geosync, we are not getting an accurate measure of altitude.
It has dropped 2000 miles in elevation over the last 1/2 hour. At this rate will will not even last a couple of hours. I don't think this is accurate. Perhaps because it is not in geosync, we are not getting an accurate measure of altitude.

That could be possible, I was looking at the data and it has it being viewable in the sky the next 3 days.
Are they supposed to be maneuvering it? Ack - 3300 miles now??

I'm on vacation and not much internet time - can't find the threads with the latest info.
If someone could give a real quick update on any official plans/announcements regarding AMC14 it would be greatly appreciated (of link to the right thread).
I did see that Dish is saying HD roll out is going on as planned
Just looking for brief update on the latest official news/plans with AMC-14 if any.

Thanks - again - I'd usually search more but can't really right now.
This is interesting. I'm googling sats and their orbits and educating myself while tracking AMC14. Don't know how much longer I can stay awake but hoping to see it make the turn , so to speak, and gain some altitude.
Looks like velocity is slowly increasing.
Could be part of orbital decay as it drops - or - maybe they're doing a sling shot maneuver?
(I'm not an expert in this stuff - totally unqualified speculation)

Lost 61.5

Something up with 5Max's launch?

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