FoxNews Live on iPad


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 21, 2005
The FoxNews iPad app has been updated to allow live streaming of thier channels if your provider agrees. DirecTV is on the list but Dish is not on the list. Who would be best to contact to ask them to get on board.
The FoxNews iPad app has been updated to allow live streaming of thier channels if your provider agrees. DirecTV is on the list but Dish is not on the list. Who would be best to contact to ask them to get on board.

Two suggestions. Contact a Dirt member to make the suggestion,and send an email to the CEO address.
lifeofriley said:
Why in the world would anyone want to watch Fox News?????

Considering more people watch it than all of the other cable news stations combined, tells me many want to watch it.

BTW, I do not watch FNC myself. The only program I watch is Stossel on Fox Business, and I used to watch Freedom watch until it was canned.

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