Free 510 Updgrade Offer Gone?



Original poster

Anybody else notice that Charlie conspicuously left out the free 510 upgrade offer that was available on DISH's website no more than a week ago - you know, the one that gave you the 510 FREE (not $99) if you signed up for TWO years (as opposed to 1). Well, I checked the DISH website this morning and that offer appears to have been removed from the website as well. Hmm, looks like somebody had second thoughts about giving away 510's! This is too bad since I was going to get a 510 using this offer; no way will I pay $99 for it especially since it will cost $60/year just to own one. BTW, anybody who belives Charlies line about the PVR's costing them $300 to make is on crack; a contract electronics manufacturer like Flextronics in Mexico (manufacturer of the Xbox for MS) can churn those things out for about $30 a pop.
Nope, it is still available. I ordered mine today. They will bring it along with my 6000 upgrade, on Friday.

Is there a CC chat here on Monday?

Will we see a DirecTV style guide?

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