Free Pay-Per-View Movie and a Buck

Hey, all I thought was coming was a buck; and for a 36 hours black-out of Viacom channels I wouldn't watch anyway that's fine. Throw in the Free pay-per-View Movie and that's sweet. I can record the best PPV movie coming up before the coupon's expiration on my 508 in the family room and 510 in the bedroom and watch it when I want on my schedule. I guess I'm just a hopeless optimist. :)
I'm sure he can handle the buck (or 2 in my case). I wonder if Charlie got a prorated discount for the amount of time he didn't carry Viacom. Wouldn't be suprised. Of course, it also wouldn't suprise me to see Charlied file suit against Viacom to recoup the discounts. Though, I bet there was a clause in the agreement that handled that.
$9 million to him is probably like $1 to us. The prorated time without service would not have paid that much per sub but Dish could have made Viacom pay the money to make up for their messages and loss of customers due to their actions.

4th Receiver needed

Will you watch/use the TVGuide Channel??

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