Free switch with receiver purchase?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
If i buy a 301 receiver from dish, will they install new switches if i need them to add the 301? If so, would i be able to turn around a month later and sell the 301? What i really want to do is just get a switch that supports more receivers for free, so i'd buy the 301, then sell it. I would then get a 322. If dish doesn't give needed switches with a 301 receiver then would i be able to jump on the 811 deal then sell it? Sorry, but just trying to find the best deal to get upgraded to dishpro lnbs and a dp34 switch to support a 322 off ebay.[/code]
They told me if I got in on the 510 deal that I would get a free quad since I already have two receivers. Since I already have two duals I could probably press them for an SW64 instead since they are the same price - YMMV. :D

921 install confirmed

Second UHF remote for 811

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