Fuzziest On Hitachi With Dish


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
I just installed a Hitachi 65S700 in anticipation of getting a 921 (when they start shipping those again) and have a problem with the signal from my current 501 to the TV. I have checked it both through the co-ax out and S video out and the picture is not very sharp. I run these same signals though my analog TVs and the picture looks great. Is there something unusal about this TV or HD TVs in general that they don't know how to handle must the normal signal out of a dish receiver. I do have something that is called VIRTUAL HD that switches between 540p and 1080i and it doesn't seem like I can turn that feature off. Anybody with a Hitachi had the same problem?
Your Hitachi has a native scan rate of 540p or 1080i.It will upconvert all signals to either of these rates.The fuzziness you are seeing is probably the compression of the Dish signal.Large screen monitors make this compression more evident then direct-view tv's.When you watch a DVD or Dish,set the Hitachi to 540p and use a s-video cable.After you get the 921,purchase a DVI cable(Pacific Cable has them cheap) and set that input(input1) to 1080i.Also,perform a manual convergence on the set. This site has some great tweeks for your set to get it looking it's best.You can also have a ISF Certified calibrator come by and do it.I have the 51swx and it looks fantastic!! well worth the $275 I spent for the calibration. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=338096
Seadoo said:
I just installed a Hitachi 65S700 in anticipation of getting a 921 (when they start shipping those again) and have a problem with the signal from my current 501 to the TV. I have checked it both through the co-ax out and S video out and the picture is not very sharp. I run these same signals though my analog TVs and the picture looks great. Is there something unusal about this TV or HD TVs in general that they don't know how to handle must the normal signal out of a dish receiver. I do have something that is called VIRTUAL HD that switches between 540p and 1080i and it doesn't seem like I can turn that feature off. Anybody with a Hitachi had the same problem?


I have a JVC 811 I got from Sears connected to my 65S700 by component cables (bought from Pacific Cables as mentioned above) and the picture is flawless. The OTA HD pic is sharp as well along with Dish's CBS-HD feed. I did not try the S-Video or coax connection with it since I knew the picture would not be as good.

Most HDTV's SD picture quality is lessened due to the size of the screens especially is you use the "4:3 expanded" or "16x9 standard" mode of the unit. The Hitachi we have does a nice job with their "stretch" modes but after getting used to watching a HD picture SD channels just don't cut it with me anymore.

I back Rick's assessment. We just added a 508 to our 57S700 and the picture is soft, not sharp at all, and locals are nearly unwatchable.

With that said, the picture of our 811 on the TV (through component) is flawless. Cable can't hold water to it, and the 508 is a signficant step down. I would be confident that the 921 will have an equally good picture.

I also have a Hitachi can't recall the model number but it is about a year old now. I recently got an 811 and hooked it up with the DVI and it is a awsome picture in both SD and HD modes! :yes :D
Seadoo said:
I just installed a Hitachi 65S700 in anticipation of getting a 921 (when they start shipping those again) and have a problem with the signal from my current 501 to the TV. I have checked it both through the co-ax out and S video out and the picture is not very sharp. I run these same signals though my analog TVs and the picture looks great. Is there something unusal about this TV or HD TVs in general that they don't know how to handle must the normal signal out of a dish receiver. I do have something that is called VIRTUAL HD that switches between 540p and 1080i and it doesn't seem like I can turn that feature off. Anybody with a Hitachi had the same problem?
Dish signals are crap on HDTV. If you only have up to a 65" TV, you may be able to live with the signal if you sit 30' back from the set. My 110" screen at 14' is "In your face" and any Dish SD channel looks horrible, thus I don't sub to any SD programming, just the HD Pack.

Thanks people for all the input on the Hitachi. Doesnt make me feel much better but good to know that I wasnt going blind
Seadoo said:
Thanks people for all the input on the Hitachi. Doesnt make me feel much better but good to know that I wasnt going blind
Have you done any adjustments on your TV? Discounting the 811 and its problems, I have very good SD programming using either a 301 or 508. Now this wasn not true untill I did some tweaking of the convergengce, grayscale,geometry etc. Have you used a Home theater tune up disk?

You need to look at some of the Forums that specialize in tuning up HD tvs or call in an ISF certified specialist to work on your picture.

Kevinw said:
Have you done any adjustments on your TV? Discounting the 811 and its problems, I have very good SD programming using either a 301 or 508. Now this wasn not true untill I did some tweaking of the convergengce, grayscale,geometry etc. Have you used a Home theater tune up disk?

You need to look at some of the Forums that specialize in tuning up HD tvs or call in an ISF certified specialist to work on your picture.


I have done no tuning to date. I complained to REXs and they said they would send technician out so I am waiting for him. Hope he knows what he is doing
I have a Hitachi 57F500 which should be similar to yours. The Hitachi has a different collection of settings for each input on the back of the TV. With the correct input selected, In the menu of your Hitachi, go to Video, Advanced settings. Turn off all the options (scan velocity modulation, noise reduction, auto color...) Then In the Video Menu turn the sharpness all the way up (98 or 100%) Set the "magic focus" to MANUAL and adjust the convergence manually. You will get a better result than using Magic Focus. Start from the middle of the grid and work your way out in a spiral pattern. Don't worry if you can't get the convergence perfect at the edges. After I did all this, I am very happy with my Hitach and the Picture Quality of my Dish811.

I highly recommend visiting the links posted by some of the other guys. I found www.hometheaterspot.com to be very useful. There you can find out how to really tweak your set.
Petemc11 said:
Your Hitachi has a native scan rate of 540p or 1080i.It will upconvert all signals to either of these rates.The fuzziness you are seeing is probably the compression of the Dish signal.Large screen monitors make this compression more evident then direct-view tv's.When you watch a DVD or Dish,set the Hitachi to 540p and use a s-video cable.After you get the 921,purchase a DVI cable(Pacific Cable has them cheap) and set that input(input1) to 1080i.Also,perform a manual convergence on the set. This site has some great tweeks for your set to get it looking it's best.You can also have a ISF Certified calibrator come by and do it.I have the 51swx and it looks fantastic!! well worth the $275 I spent for the calibration. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=338096


Help me understand a little more. Are you saying that the 501 is sending a signal out to at 480i that is being converted to either 540p to 1080i by Hitachi? What does the 921 or 811 send their signals out as. 1080i? 480? Other?
Your set is converting 480i stuff to 540p. When usung the the 811 it sends a 1080i
signal to your set which displays it naturally.
You need to read the FAQ's at www.hdtvoice.com perfect sight for the less techinically inclined.
Seadoo said:
I have done no tuning to date. I complained to REXs and they said they would send technician out so I am waiting for him. Hope he knows what he is doing
Don't hope read up on this and do it yourself.
cessna602 said:
I have a Hitachi 57F500 which should be similar to yours. The Hitachi has a different collection of settings for each input on the back of the TV. With the correct input selected, In the menu of your Hitachi, go to Video, Advanced settings. Turn off all the options (scan velocity modulation, noise reduction, auto color...) Then In the Video Menu turn the sharpness all the way up (98 or 100%) Set the "magic focus" to MANUAL and adjust the convergence manually. You will get a better result than using Magic Focus. Start from the middle of the grid and work your way out in a spiral pattern. Don't worry if you can't get the convergence perfect at the edges. After I did all this, I am very happy with my Hitach and the Picture Quality of my Dish811.

I highly recommend visiting the links posted by some of the other guys. I found www.hometheaterspot.com to be very useful. There you can find out how to really tweak your set.

I tried this but don t have an advanced settings. My model must be different than yours. All I am not accessing the correct point.
Kevinw said:
Don't hope read up on this and do it yourself.


Both PETEM11 and you say don't let Technicians touch my set but do it myself. That is a big step for someone that has never done that before. I have gone to every sitereferenced and I have tried just about every suggestion that I have found and still have the same two problems.

1. Signal from my 501 through S video still looks bad relative to my other TVs.

2. Signal from my DVD player when in the Progressive mode using component cables still looks bad.

The best picture I have is OTA HD through the interal Hitachi tuner.

I guess at this point I don't see I have anything to lose to let the techician see if he can figure out what is going on.

Thanks for your suggestions

105 Superdish

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