Harmony 880 and Dish 622, which setting?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 23, 2003
Central IL

Just got the 622 and trying to set it up with the Harmony 880. In the Harmony software for "manufacturer" it lists both Echostar and Dish Network.

Under Echostar it lists a VIP-622 and a pvr-622. Tried using the VIP-622 but then the Harmony didn't allow me to "add to Activity" as a PVR.

Then found the device listed under manufacturer "Dish Network" but there are SIX versions listed there:
Dish DVR 622
DVR 622

Which one are you using?
PVR - Dish Network PVR (HD DVR VIP 622)
This is how it's listed on my screen. IIRC, I redefined the bottom right button as search, and the bottom left as DVR (yes, I know it's in the window, I prefer to hit a bottom button). The |<< and >>| buttons are the skip back and skip ahead- I don't remember if they came that way or if I redefined them like that. The exit button is cancel. I defined using the ViP622 as "DISH" in activity.

I had tried a couple of different choices in setup and spoke with a rep on the phone- there is very little difference between the setups. I think there were only 2 when I set up, and this one had some feature the other didn't; don't remember what.

Hmmmm, I just upgraded my 942 to a 622 and am still using the 880 codes from the 942, and they seem to still work. I wonder if I should change them over. Although, that would require me to find that USB cable for the 880 which I seem to have misplaced a while back.. :(
If it ain't broke...

Hmmmm, I just upgraded my 942 to a 622 and am still using the 880 codes from the 942, and they seem to still work. I wonder if I should change them over. Although, that would require me to find that USB cable for the 880 which I seem to have misplaced a while back.. :(

I'd leave it alone if it's working fine for you....unless there's a button on the 622 remote that you didn't have on the 942.
Hmmmm, I just upgraded my 942 to a 622 and am still using the 880 codes from the 942, and they seem to still work. I wonder if I should change them over. Although, that would require me to find that USB cable for the 880 which I seem to have misplaced a while back.. :(

I upgraded from a 942 several months back, and never changed the 880 over either. You should be fine leaving it as-is. The remotes from the 942 and 622 are essentially the same, so you aren't losing any functions.
Yep, only differences are the colors added to the 622 remote and the writing around the DVR button.
Sounds good. I'll leave the 942 programmed in there since it is all working now anyway. Although, I just picked up an XBOX 360, so I'll need to dig out the USB cable to add that to it. ;)

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