Has anyone recorded a Digital (non-HD) OTA channel on TiVo or Replay?


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Supporting Founder
Nov 18, 2003
Has anyone recorded a Digital (non-HD) OTA channel on TiVo or Replay with Dish 811?

Has anyone recorded a Digital (non-HD) OTA channel on TiVo or Replay with a Dish 811?

I bought a ReplayTV 5504 yesterday, and I cant figure out how to make the ReplayTV tune to 019-01, for example.

Also, Wilt from Voom yesterday told me that they cannot find anyone at Replay to work with them about getting the Voom codes worked into Replay. So, I will be returning this thing for a TiVo.
Whoops...I guess I should mention Im trying to do this with a Dish 811.
StevenD said:
Has anyone recorded a Digital (non-HD) OTA channel on TiVo or Replay with a Dish 811?

I bought a ReplayTV 5504 yesterday, and I cant figure out how to make the ReplayTV tune to 019-01, for example.

Also, Wilt from Voom yesterday told me that they cannot find anyone at Replay to work with them about getting the Voom codes worked into Replay. So, I will be returning this thing for a TiVo.
try this I posted a question about replay codes on planet replay awhile back...
go to the 5XXX forum
I havn't tried with my RTV 5504 because of this. I think if you read on AVSforums in the DVR forum about the WIRNS program you can work around it. Or you can possibly send your 811 video to the RTV on a second input then set a manual record on the RTV to that input and a programmed channel tune to the digital channel on the 811. Not a clean workaround.

I plan to mess around with WIRNS at some point. It is a program that allows you to make your own guide listing that you scrape data from Zap2it.

Let us know how it works out.
If you are trying to tune in a digital channel, you can't, they only have an Analog tuner and even though your digital channel is not HD, it is still being broadcast in the ATSC format, requiring an 8VSB tuner, your TIVO or Replay only has the NTSC Analog tuner. You can use the Line Inputs and sent the S-video or Composite line outs from your 811 into your recorder and record that way.
DarrellP said:
You can use the Line Inputs and sent the S-video or Composite line outs from your 811 into your recorder and record that way.

Thats what Im trying to do. However, what I want to do it set a timer on the Replay and not have to worry about the 811. It looks like I have to set a manual timer on both...I might as well just have a VCR!

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