Having trouble in Florida


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Jan 5, 2005
I have a 60cm Shaw direct dish and cannot track in ANIK F1R no matter how much I try.

In the past, I have not had to much trouble tracking it in with this size dish. Has anything changed with the satellite? Is it possible to get a good strong signal here in central florida?

Thanks in advance,
It is possible but most people from FL stongly recommend the minimum of the 75cm dish & lnb setup. I have this in northern AL and would not want anything smaller.
In the past, I have not had to much trouble tracking it in with this size dish

Are you saying it used to work ok in central Flordia and now doesn't? If that's the case, it sounds like perhaps your LNB is defective and is receiving from the F2 side only. I don't personally know of a way to check this other than substituting another LNB to see if that fixes the problem.

If, on the other hand, you are trying to aim your dish for the first time in Florida, then it is likely, as QCK posted, that you need the 75e. Before giving up on the 60e be sure you have the skew set correctly for the Florida location. I don't personally know of anyone in my area of the south who has a 60e; even with the 75e I get some rain fade in a heavy storm. So the 75e is the best choice.

I have not read where they have been having any trouble with F1R. The big fiasco a couple of weeks ago was with F2, but that should have no impact on your situation

Solar flare affecting Anik F2

DSR505 Tuner 1 Not Authorized

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