HBO & SHOHD Moving on 2-11-04--Will I need 8psk?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 5, 2003
I see a note on my guide that says if I can't see 9456 or 9460 to call Dish. Well...I can't. Does that mean I need psk module? If Dish giving those away for free????
Dish is charging $99 for the modules (or free is you agree to signup for the HD package for one year)

DishStore.NET has the modules for $59.99 with no programming commitment.

So let me get this straight....I must fork out 50 to 100 bucks to get programming I am already paying for?????

That's BS. I am very strongly considering switching to DirecTV.

1st---Charlie says "Nothing Intriquing out there". Truth is...there's nothing intriguing about the HD Pak he is offering.

Then multiple delays and problems with HD equipment and superdish.

Now...programming price increases and they're taking my HD subscription channels away unless I fork out more $.

Scott....has DirecTV made changes in the recent past that has forced customers to pay more to receive their current offerings or made their equipment obsolete?

I am struggling to find a reason to stay with the HD Leader...ha ha.
I believe that message is refering to the moving of the HD signals to 110, as I have yet to install the 110 antenna and still continue to receive the HBO and SHO HD feeds via 61.5.

I also have that message in the guide.

Perhaps it is a combination of both.....

The HD signals are already on 110, the 4psk encoded HD feeds on 61.5 and 148 will be going away.

Only the 8psk version of the HD channels on 110 will remain.
dumb question. Do you still need the 8PSK module if you get the 811?

I'm trying to form the cheapest plan to keep my existing HD! At this point I'm so fed up with this mess from E* and I'm actually going to consider my cable company again! I think they now have more HD than either E* or D* which I never thought would happen. :eek:
I'm not buying hardware just to recieve channels I'm already subscribed to and got just a few days ago. I just called and they won't budge. You have to subscribe to a year of the HD Pak for a one time payment of $109.89 to get 8PSK module for what they call free. The disconnection specialist even talked to his supervisor who called some exec panel. I'm canceling and going to a digital cable and VOOM combo for my HD. Screw em'.
Trevor said:
I'm canceling and going to a digital cable and VOOM combo for my HD. Screw em'.
Be sure to tell them you're going to v* because of the lack of HD, too!! It might help the rest of us who hang on waiting in vain.

E*, the HD laggard
Correct me if I'm wrong - but, I don't believe that the 8psk module has ever been needed to receive HBOHD or SHOHD from sat 61.5.

The 8psk module was offered a little over a year ago when E* brought out DiscoveryHD. It is also needed to view HDSpecial Events I believe.
Just order an 811 from dish under their special offer, order the $49 8PSK from (to keep HDTV until the 811 comes in), and when it comes in, sell your 6000 on ebay. You will make a few hundred dollars on the deal. If you qualify for the $149 deal you do not even need to have a programming commitment.

Hackers are dying to get their hands on 6000s since the 811 has a built in smartcard...
Stingray said:
Correct me if I'm wrong - but, I don't believe that the 8psk module has ever been needed to receive HBOHD or SHOHD from sat 61.5.

The 8psk module was offered a little over a year ago when E* brought out DiscoveryHD. It is also needed to view HDSpecial Events I believe.

That is correct, you did not need it for 61.5 however you DO need it for 110.
Stingray said:
Correct me if I'm wrong - but, I don't believe that the 8psk module has ever been needed to receive HBOHD or SHOHD from sat 61.5.

The 8psk module was offered a little over a year ago when E* brought out DiscoveryHD. It is also needed to view HDSpecial Events I believe.

No 8psk has not been needed on 61.5 until now. Only needed it if you wanted DiscoveryHD. As of 2/11 it is needed for HBO and SHO (not sure about CBSHD but that will be next I'm sure).
Trevor said:
I'm canceling and going to a digital cable and VOOM combo for my HD. Screw em'.
Voom? It seems that when one decides spending hundreds of dollars on a new system (first $399 for D* and now much more for Voom) instead of making a simple committment one is only screwing themselves. :rolleyes:

Yes it would be cheaper to stay with E* but I'm not going to buy a piece of hardware to recieve Hi-def content when providing it is obviously very low priority to them. I'll spend the extra money to make the switch to a company that actively works to aquire as many hi-def sources as possible.

Besides...standard def quality has went to hell on E* in the last year so they really don't have a whole lot to offer me any longer.
Well, then it's official. After Feb 11th..Back to cablevision. At this point, I can care less about recording. Cablevision, surprisingly has the better price, and more content.


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