HBOHD----Minority Report


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 13, 2004
This looks horrible!!!! anyone else seeing all the blocking. Is this the transponder they are testing the other HDTV channel on??
its fine now......but it flashed a few times......they must be doing something.
I believe HBO-HD is on 2 different birds, 110 and 148. (Why? WTF knows!)

I wonder if one is superior to the other? (Differing compression or whatnot.)
I've done quick A/B's, but nothing conclusive. IIRC, it seemed that 9456 had more mosaic blocking.

Which HBO-HD channel is on which bird?
GaryPen said:
I believe HBO-HD is on 2 different birds, 110 and 148. (Why? WTF knows!)

I wonder if one is superior to the other? (Differing compression or whatnot.)
I've done quick A/B's, but nothing conclusive. IIRC, it seemed that 9456 had more mosaic blocking.

Which HBO-HD channel is on which bird?
If I remember correctly, HBO-HD is being moved from 148 to 110. The 148 feed should disappear before too much longer.
I thought it was already on 110 as well as 148. I get it on both 9440 and 9456.(or was it 9454?) I wanted to know why, and if there was any difference between the two in the way they transmit them, as one seems a little better than the other.
Right - but I thought they were dropping the 148 feed. There was a crawl when the 110 feed went up saying that it was moving to the new number. That's all I know.
I get mine off the 110 bird..... and the picture was gorgeous, even those scenes where thethe filmmakers went a little nuts with the blue and green filters....
SimpleSimon said:
Right - but I thought they were dropping the 148 feed. There was a crawl when the 110 feed went up saying that it was moving to the new number. That's all I know.

Actually, the crawl was to warn people about the transition to 8psk (which came much later on 148). Though there's no reason to keep 148 if the transponder is needed for something else.

I wouldn't expect a quality difference. Neither channels is using 3 hd on the transponder. It's seems like HD channels are more susceptable to dropouts with marginal signals (less error correction?). Perhaps one sat is coming in stronger then the other.
I THINK it is 9456 (I don't remember exactly off the top of my head as I am at my office, but it is off the 110 bird since moving from the 61.5 bird a few months back......
When I watched this on Saturday afternoon the first 30 minutes or so were completely hosed... really, really bad... as in unwatchable. I had to switch to 300 to watch it.

It cleared up after a while.
I was watching off the 110 bird. My signal levels were in the usual 90-100 range. The show had noise around the white objects and some unusual artifacts. I HAVE SEEN THIS SAME MOVIE on HBOHD before, I KNOW it is sorta "grainy". This was completely different and strange. Next thing you know my set "flashed" and everything INSTANTLY was fine. I wonder what they are doing?


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