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That's very strange. Some guy stands around in a chicken suit all day and does what you tell him to do. I've not seen anything quite like that before! Pretty funny.
Here's a good one.
About two months ago I was buying all of my HT gear from my local Tweeter. The first day of shopping I bought my receiver, mains, and DVD player. The DVD player wasn't in stock so I had to pick it up at another location, no biggie. The next day I went to the other store with my buddy to pick up the DVD player. I had decided that I was going to purchase my center channel and surrounds that day while I was there. So I picked out four Boston Acoustics bookshelf surrounds and a Boston center channel. All in all they totaled up to about $825. I was paying cash so I started "negotiations". I was trying to get the sales guy to take 10% off the top since I was paying cash and I already knew what I wanted when I came in. Well, this guy absolutely freaked out on me when I suggested he give me a discount. Usually if a sales person doesn't want to take a cut in their commission they will act like they are going to talk to a manager or something and come back and say they can't do it or meet you in the middle or something. Not this guy, he flew off the handle as if I had told him I just slept with his sister or something. Spouting off some stupid s**t like, "Would I ask you to do 100% of your job for 90% of the pay." I told him the that the actual cost of the speaker package was probably like $200 less then the retail so 10% shouldn't be a big deal. In response he gets on the computer and looks something up and his response was "Actually these speakers are only at a 30% profit margin." Um, HELLO MCFLY, 30% of $825 is $247.50. WTF! He says he can't take anything off. In response I verify that he would rather make zero commission by letting me walk than a reduced commission by discounting them. He easily states that he would rather take the zero than the lesser commission and says good bye.

Now for the really funny part. On the way back home I decide to stop by the local store to see what they can do. Believe it or not they have the same speakers with 15% off tickets in front of them. Apparently the other store wasn't even adhering to a chain wide sale that weekend. So I buy them. The sales guy comes back and says that he doesn't have any in stock, but guess what.....You guessed it, the other store, yep same store that I just came from, has all of them in stock. He calls to verify and the guy on the other line asks who is buying them and the sales guy turns to me and asks, "Is your name Todd?" I say yes and he just starts grinning.So I buy them and go back to the other store to pick them up. When I get there the idiot sales guy from before is no where to be seen. Which was kind of disappointing because I really wanted him to see his potential reduced commission turn into zero by me taking the speakers out of his inventory. :)
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